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ANARCHISME ALGEMEEN (inleidingen, theoretische werken en diverse)



n- Anarchism As We See It. An Introduction to the Politics of the Anarchist Federation. 2002?, Anarchist Federation, London, 20p., €1,50

n- Berkman, Alexander: ABC van het Anarchisme. 2003, Kelderuitgeverij/ Uitgeverij De Vooruitgang, Utrecht/ Amsterdam, 139p., €12,00

Crimethink Inc.: Days of War, Nights of Love. 2001, Crimethink Inc., Atlanta, GA, 286p., €7,50

Guérin, Daniel: No Gods, No Masters. an anthology of anarchism: Book I & II. (Eerste integrale engelse vertaling van de 4 volumes van Ni Dieu, Ni Maître) 1998, Ak Press, Edinburgh/ San Franciso, CA/ London, 294p. + 276p. Samen, €38,50

Harper, Clifford: Anarchy, a graphic guide. 1987, Camden Press, London, 204p., Met tekeningen in de stijl van Masereel, €9,60

n- Malato, Carlos: Filosofia del Anarquismo. 1978, Ediciones Júgar, Madrid/ Gijón, 137p., pocket, €4,00

Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Anarchism, But Were Afraid To Ask. 1988, Black Sheep Pub./ Dark Star/Rebel Press, London, 32p., €2,25

n- Read, Simon: Everything you ever wanted to know about anarchism, but were afraid to ask.... 2004, Rebel Press, London, 64p., vernieuwde en meer verzorgde uitgave van de vorige brochure, in pocketvorm A6, €4,50

Rocker, Rudolf: Anarchism: its Aims and Purposes. Free Labour Publications, Australia, 18p., €1,00

Rooum, Donald: What is anarchism ? An introduction. 2001, Freedom Press, London, 74p., €4,50

Walter, Nicolas: Wat is een anarchist ? . 1983, 6e druk, Spreeuw, Utrecht, 50p., €1,00

Walter, Nicolas: About Anarchism.  2002, revised edition (oorspr. 1969), Freedom Press, London, 93p., €5,25

Ward, Colin: Anarchy in Action.  2001, (oorspr. 1973), Freedom Press, London, 144p., €8,00

! Voor een uitleg over deze en meer inleidingen, klik hier


Anarchisme: theorie
Against parliament, For Anarchism.
2000, Anarchist Federation, London, 56p., €3,20

Aldred, Guy: Studies in Communism.  1940, "The Word" Library, Glasgow, 65p., €2,35

Aldred, Guy: Pioneers of Anti-Parliamentarism.  1940, The Word Library- n°7, Glasgow, 110p., €2,35

Aspects of Anarchism. reprint, Anarchist Federation, London, 46p., €1,50

n- Barclay, Harold: The State.  2003, Freedom Press, London, 109p., pocket, €8,25

Barret, George: The Last War, The Anarchist Revolution, Objections to Anarchism. (3 essays). 1990, Pirate Press, Sheffield, 68p., brochure, €2,75

n- Berkman, Alexander: What is Anarchism? 2003, beide delen: ABC of Anarchism en What is Communist Anarchism? in 1 volume, AK Press, Edinburgh/ London/ Oakland, 236 + 23p., €15,00

Bookchin, Murray: Anarchism, Marxism and the Future of the Left. Interviews and Essays, 1993 – 1998. 1999, AK Press, Edinburgh/ San Francisco, CA, 350p., €21,00

Bourne, Randolph: The State. 1998, See Sharp Press, Tucson, Arizona, 42p., €3,50

Brown, L. Susan: The politics of individualism. Liberalism, Liberal feminism & Anarchism. 1993, Black Rose Books, Montréal/ New York/ London, 198+13p., €18,60

Buchanan, Sam.: Anarchy: the Transmogrification of Everyday Life. 1999, Committee for the Establishment of Civilisation, Wellington, New Zealand, 40p., €2,35

n- Bukharin; Fabbri & Rocker: The Poverty of Statism. Anarchism vs Marxism, a debate. 1981, (oorspr. 1920-22), Cienfuegos Press/ Soil of Liberty, Sanday, Orkney/ Minneapolis, Minnesota, 93p., €1,98

n- Calvo, Agustin Garcia: Qu'est-ce que l'Etat?. 1992, Atelier de création libertaire, Lyon, 63p., €6,00

n- Dadoun, Roger; Lesage de la Haye, Jacques & Garnier, Philippe: Psychanalyse & Anarchie. 2002, Atelier de création libertaire, Lyon, 69p., €4,00

Doyle, Kevin: Parliament or Democracy?.  1997, second (expanded) edition, oorspr. 1993, Workers Solidarity Movement, Dublin, 49p., €3,20

n- Ehrlich, Howard J. (ed): Reinventing Anarchy, Again.  1996, AK Press, Edinburgh/ San Franciso, CA, 387 + 8p., €21,00

n- Escudero , Isabelle; Fabbri, Luce & Ferrer, Christian: @: Une utopie pour le XXIe siècle. 1996, Atelier de création libertaire, Lyon, 39p., €3,00

Fenn: The Spirit of Revolt.  1986, Rowman & Littlefield, Totowa, New Jersey, 179p., hardback, €8,90

Fontenis, Georges: Manifesto of Libertarian Communism.  1989, (oorspr. 1953), ACF, London, 31p., €1,50

Galleani, Luigi: The End of Anarchism? . 1982, (oorspr. 1925), Cienfuegos Press, Orkney, 83p., €4,45

n- Geurtsen, Ton (red.): De fabel van het linkse ongelijk. de bolsjewistiese katastrofe, een nieuwe kans voor het socialisme. Met libertaire teksten van Rosa Luxemburg, Anton Pannekoek, Henriette Roland Horst en Arthur Lehning. 1990, Stg. Rode Emma, Amsterdam, 111p., €6,00

Griffin, John: A Structured Anarchism.  1991, Freedom Press, London, 38p., Anarchist Discussion Series, €1,50

Gunderloy & Ziesing: Anarchy & the End of History.  1991, Lysander Spooner, Willimantic, CT, 143p., €10,40

Harrison, Frank: The Modern State. An Anarchist Analysis. 1983, Black Rose Books, Montréal, 227p., €13,00

n- Heintz, Peter: Anarchisme negatif/ Anarchisme positif. Essai d'interprétation anarchiste du monde moderne 1997, Atelier de création libertaire, Lyon, 124p., €9,00

n- Hewetson, John: Mutual Aid and Social Evolution.  ?, Kersplebedeb, Montréal, 16p., €1,50

Maximoff, G.P.: My Social Credo.  1973, Boris Yelenski Book Fund, Oakland, CA, 15p., €0,80

Meltzer, Albert: Anarchism: Arguments For and Against. 2000, 7 th revised edition, oorspr. 1981, AK Press, Edinburgh/ San Francisco, CA, 91p., pocket, €6,00

n- Pessin, Alain & Pucciarrelli, Mimmo: La culture libertaire. Actes du colloque international, Grenoble, mars 1996. 1997, Atelier de création libertaire, Lyon, 469p., €19,80

n- Pessin, Alain & Pucciarrelli, Mimmo: Pierre Ansart & l'anarchisme proudhonien. 2004, Atelier de création libertaire, Lyon, 125p., €10,00

n- Pucciarelli, Mimmo D.: L'imaginaire des libertaires aujourd'hui. 1999, Atelier de création libertaire, Lyon, 365p., €16,80

Skirda, Alexandre: Facing the Enemy. A history of anarchist organization from Proudhon to May 1968. 2002, AK Press/ Kate Sharpley Library, Edinburgh/ Oakland, CA/ London/ Berkeley, CA, 292p., €18,00

Stamm: Consent or Coercion. An anarchist case for social transformation and answers to questions about anarchism. 1996, Affinity Group of Evolutionary Anarchists, Argenta BC, Canada, 20p., €1,75

n- Thévenet, Alain: Le Pouvoir et sa négation. 1984, IRL/ Atelier de création libertaire, Lyon, 121p., €4,50

n- This is What Democracy Looks Like. ?, Venomonous Butterfly Publications/ Elephant Editions, San Francisco/ London, 26p., €1,50

Vega, Louis Mercier: Anarchisme en organisatie. affiniteitsgroepen. 1983, Spreeuw, Utrecht, 28p., €0,75

Veranderingsstrategieën. Enige teksten over anarchisme en strategie. 1992, LAS, Tilburg, 32p., A4, €2,50

Ward, Colin: Social Policy. an anarchist response. 2000, (oorspr. 1996), Freedom Press, London, 89p., €8,00

Woodcock, George: Anarchism & Anarchists . essays. 1992, Quarry Press, Kingston, Ontario, 268p., €13,50

terug naar: anarchisme algemeen


Anarchisme: diverse
ACF: The Role of the Revolutionary Organisation.. 1995, (oorspr. 1991), Anarchist Communist Federation (ACF), London, 12p., €1,00

Anarchism and Ireland. a beginners’ guide. 1996, 3d ed., oorspr. 1985, Workers Solidarity Movement, Dublin, 23p., €1,60

Anarchist Federation: Beyond Resistance. a revolutionary Manifesto for the Millenium. 2000, Anarchist Federation, London, 41p., €2,40

n- Antliff, Allan (ed): Only A Beginning. An anarchist anthology 2004, Arsenal Pulp Press, Vancouver, 408p., A4, anthologie van anarchisme in Canada, €27,00

n- Baker, Jim & Peacott, Joe: Regulated to Death. Anarchist Arguments Against Government Intervention in Our Lives 1992, BAD Press, Cambridge, Ma, 27p., €5,25

n- Beyond Resistance. a revolutionary manifesto for the future 2003, 4th ed., Anarchist Federation, London, 35p., €2,25

n- Bonanno, Alfredo: The Anarchist Tension. . 1998, Elephant Editions, London, 31p., A6, €2,65

Bonanno, Alfredo: Anarchism and the National Liberation Struggle. . 1990, Elephant Editions, London, 24p., €1,60

Chomsky, Noam: Notes on Anarchism. . 2003, (oorspr. 1970), BM Active, London, 15p., €0,75

Chomsky, Noam: Anarchism, Marxism and Hope for the Future.. oorspr. 1995, Kersplebedeb, Montréal, 12p., €1,20

n- Chomsky, Noam: Chomsky on Anarchism. 2005, AK Press, Edinburgh/ Oakland/ West Virginia, 241p., selected and edited by Barry Pateman, €16,50

Chumbawamba: Portraits of Anarchists. Book + CD (photographs by Casey Orr). 1996, AK Press/ One little Indian, Edinburgh/ San Franciso, CA/ London, 72p. + cd. 17’15", €19,50

Crump, John: The Anarchist Movement in Japan.  1998, (1996), ACE, London, 43p., €2,90

Dolgoff, Sam: Fragments: a memoir. personal recollections drawn from a life time of struggle in the cause of anarchism. 1986, Refract publications, Cambridge (London), 200p., €4,50

Dolgoff, Sam: Third World Nationalism and the State.  ?, ACF of North America, 20p., €1,60

Eikeboom, Henk: De anarchist en het huwelijk.  reprint (oorspr. 1921), de As, Moerkapelle, 24p., €0,75

Eltzbacher: Het Anarchisme.  €14,15

Fernández, Frank.: Cuban Anarchism. the history of a movement. 2001, See Sharp Press, Tucson, Arizona, 154p., €10,00

n- Franks, Benjamin: Rebel Alliances. The means and ends of contemporary British anarchism 2006, AK Press/ Dark Star, Edinburgh/ Oakland, CA, 475p., €22,50

n- Gilbert, Martin: Anarchists in Social Work. Known to the Authorities. 2005, Martin Gilbert, Ulverston, Cumbria, 148p., €12,00

Harper, Clifford: Anarchists. a set of 36 picturecards. Freedom Press, London, (in de vorm van een spel kaarten)., €9,75

n- Kom’boa Ervin, Lorenzo: Anarchism and the Black Revolution.  1994, Monkey Wrench Presss, 153p., €7,00

Marshall, Peter: William Blake. Visionary Anarchist. 1994, Freedom Press, London, 64p., geïllustreerd, €6,75

Mbah & Igariwey: African Anarchism. the history of a movement. 1997, See Sharp Press, Tucson, Arizona, 123p., €9,00

n- Moore, John (ed.): I'm not a Man, I am Dynamite!. Friedrich Nietzsche and the anarchist tradition. 2004, Autonomedia, Brooklyn, NY, 151p., €11,25

Purchase, Graham: The New Anarchy.  1994, Black Swan, Petersham, Australia, 7p., €1,00

n- Ramaer, Hans: Het onbegrepen anarchisme.  (over enige misverstanden over het anarchisme) 2003, reprint, de As, Moerkapelle, 12p., €1,50

n- Roussopoulos, Dimitrios: Dissidence. Essays Against the Mainstream. 1992, Black Rose Books, Montréal, 222p., €11,00

n- San Filippo, Roy (ed.): A New World in Our Hearts.  Eight years of writing from the Love and Rage Revolutionary Anarachist Federation. 2003, AK Press, Edinburgh/ Oakland, CA, 139p., €13,50

n- The Curious George Brigade: Anarchy in the age of dinosaurs. 2003, Crimethinc inc., 151p., €4,50

n- Ward, Colin & Goodway, David: Talking Anarchy.  (biografische schets plus een lang interview met Colin Ward) 2003, Five Leaves, Nottingham, 149p., €10,50

terug naar: anarchisme algemeen

BLOEMLEZINGEN uit anarchistische tijdschriften (vaak thematisch)

uit Freedom

n- Berneri, Marie Louise: Neither East nor West. selected Writings 19939-1948. 1988, Freedom Press, London, 192p., €6,75

The Left & World War II. Selections from the Anarchist Journal War Commentary 1939-1943. 1989, Freedom Press, London, 80p., €3,00

Neither Nationalisation, Nor Privatisation. an anarchist approach (selections from Freedom 1945-1950). 1989, Freedom Press, London, 81p., €3,00

Richards, Vernon: The Impossibilities of Social Democracy. 1978, Freedom Press, London, 142p., €4,50

n- Richards, Vernon: Protest Without Illusions. 1981, Freedom Press, London, 168p., €6,00

The State is Your Enemy. Selections from the Anarchist Journal Freedom 1965-86. 1991, Freedom press, London, 270p., €9,00

World War - Cold War. selections from War Community & Freedom 1939-1950. 1989, Freedom Press, London, 422p., €10,50


uit Anarchy

Ward, Colin: A decade of Anarchy (1961- 1970). Freedom Press, 1987, 283p., 8,00


GESCHIEDENIS (ook: Russische, Portugese en Spaanse revolutie)

n- Avrich, Paul: Anarchist Voices. An Oral History of Anarchism in America. 2005, (oorspr. 1995), AK Press, Edinburgh/ Oakland, CA, 574 + 13p., €24,00

n- Bamford, Brian: God help them as need heroes. My meditations on Mr Christie, his Granny and our Spanish adventures. 2005, Northern Voices, Cheshire, 16p., €1,50

Baxandall, Rosalyn Fraad: Words on Fire. The Life and Writing of Elizabeth Gurley Flynn. 1987, Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick and London, 302 + 12p., €8,00

n- Bayer , Osvaldo: La Patagonie rebelle. 1921-1922: chronique d'une révolte des ouvriers agricoles en Argentine. 1996, Acratie/ Atelier de création libertaire, Lyon, 300p., €18,30

n- Berger, Dan: Outlaws of Amereica. The Weather Underground and the Politics of Solidarity. 2006, AK Press, Edinburgh/ Oakland, CA, 432 + 16p., €22,50

n- Berkman, Alexander (ed.): The Blast. herdruk van de volledige collectie van het anarchistisch tijdschrift uit San Francisco 1916 - 1917 2005, AK Press, Edinburgh/ Oakland, 242p., groot formaat, ingeleid door Barry pateman, €22,50

n- Boulouque, Sylvain: Les anarchistes français face aux guerres coloniales (1945-1962). 2003, Atelier de création libertaire, Lyon, 123p., €11,50

n- The Buenos Aires Tragedy 29 January - 2 February 1931. The Last Fight of Severino di Giovanni and Paulo Scarfó 2004, Kate Sharpley Library, London, 33p., €3,00

n- Caldwell, John Taylor: Come Dungeons Dark. The Life And Times of Guy Aldred, Glasgow Anarchist. 1988, Luath Press, Ayrshire, 290p., €10,50

n- Caldwell, John Taylor: Severely Dealt With. Growing up in Belfast and Glasgow. 1993, Northern Herald Books, Bradford, 168p., €9,00

n- Caldwell, John Taylor: With Fate Conspire. Memoirs of a Glasgow seafarer and anarchist. 1999, Northern Herald Books, West Yorkshire, 236p., €13,50

n- Coppe, Abiezer: Selected Writings. 1987, Aporia Press, London, 111p., €12,00

Cores, George: Personal Recollections of the Anarchist Past.  1992, (oorspr. 1947), Kate Sharpley Library, London, 18p., €1,60

Decleyre, Voltairine: The First Mayday. The Haymarket speeches 1895-1910. 1980, Cienfuegos Press/ Libertarian Bookclub/ Soil of Liberty, Sanday, Orkney/ New York, NY/ Minneapolis, Minnesota, 53p., €4,70

n- Everett, Martyn: War and Revolution. The Hungarian Anarchist Movement in World War I and the Budapest Commune (1919) 2006, KSL, London, 28p., €3,00

Fighting The Revolution 1 (Makhno, Durruti, Zapata).  1985, Freedom Press, London, 40p., €3,00

Fighting The Revolution 2 (Kropotkin, Louise Michel, The Paris Commune).  1985, Freedom Press, London, 48p., €3,00

Fremion, Yves: Orgasms of History. 3000 years of spontaneous insurrections. 2002, AK Press, Edinburgh/ Oakland, CA, 248p., €18,00

n- Gambone, Larry (ed.): The Anarchism of Emile Armand. 2001, Red Lion Press, Montréal, 16p., €2,25

Gilbert, Amos: The Life of Thomas Skidmore.  1984, Charles H; Kerr Company, Chicago, Illinois, 60p., pocket, €3,20

n- Goldstein, Bernard: Five Years in the Warsaw Ghetto. 2005, AK Press/ Nabat, Edinburgh/ Oakland, 256p., €19,50

Guarneri, Carl J.: The Utopian Alternative. Fourierism in 19th Century America. 1991, Cornell University Press, Ithaca/ NY, 525 + 16p., €16,00

n- Helms, Robert P.: George Brown. The Cobbler Anarchist of Philadelphia 2006, KSL, London, 59p., €3,00

Hodgart, Rhona M.: Ethel MacDonald. Glasgow Woman Anarchist. 2003, (second edition), Kate Sharpley Library, London/ Berkeley, CA, 17p., €2,25

n- Hongeropstanden. agrarische samenlevingen in verzet tegen industriële produktievormen, Frankrijk 1789, Rusland 1900, Derde Wereld nu. 1987, Kronstadt Kollektief/ IOC, Boskoop/ Hasselt, 160p., €3,72

n- Icarus: The Wilhemshaven Revolt. A chapter of the revolutionary movement in the German navy 1918-1919. 1975, Simian, Yorks, 32p., €0,70

Jassies, Nico: Marinus van der Lubbe en de Rijksdagbrand.  2002, De Dolle Hond, Amsterdam, 48p., €1,50

n- Kottis, Leonard: Konstantinos Speras. The Life and Activities of a Greek Anarcho-Syndicalist 2006, KSL, London, 15p., €3,00

Löwy, Michael: Redemption & Utopia. Jewish Libertarian Thought in Central Europe: A study in elective affinity. 1992, Athlone Press, London, 276p., hardback, €8,00

MacLachlan, Colin M.: Anarchism and the Mexican Revolution. The Political Trials of Ricardo Flores Magón in the United States. 1991, University of California Press, Berkeley, CA/ Los Angeles, CA/ Oxford, 185+16p., €14,85

n- Mühsam, Kreszentia: De lijdensweg van Erich Mühsam. 2003, (oorspr. 1935), De Dolle Hond, Amsterdam, 50p., €1,80

Nettlau, Max: A Short History of Anarchism. 1996, Freedom Press, London, 406+23p., €16,50

n- Newell, Peter E.: Zapata of Mexico. 2005, Freedom Press/ Active Distribution, London, 212p., €14,25

Parry, Richard: The Bonnot Gang. the story of the French illegalists. 1987, Rebel Press, London, 189p., €7,50

n- Peacott, Joe.: Individualism Reconsidered. 1995, (1991), B.A.D. Press, Boston, 28p., €3,75

Pesota, Rose: Bread Upon the Waters. 1987, (oorspr. 1944), IRL Press, Cornell University, New York, 435 + 24p., €8,00

n- Pessin, Alain: le Populisme. Le populisme russe (1821-1881) ou la rencontre avec un peuple imaginaire/ Populisme, mythe et anarchie 1997, Atelier de création libertaire, Lyon, 52p., €5,00

n- Pessin, Alain & Pucciarrelli, Mimmo: Lyon & l'esprit proudhonien. actes du colloque de Lyon 6 et 7 décembre 2002 2003, Atelier de création libertaire, Lyon, 219p., €14,00

n- Pomonis, Paul (ed.): The Early Days of Greek Anarchism. the democratic Club of Patras' & 'Social Radicalism in Greece 2004, Kate Sharpley Library, London, 26p., €3,00

Reed, Francis: On Common Ground.  1991, Working Press, London, 89p., €9,65

n- Rodrigues, Edgar; Ramos, Renato & Samis, Alexandre: Against All Tyranny! . Essays on Anarchism in Brazil. 2003, Kate Sharpley Library, London/ Berkeley, CA, 33p., €3,00

n- Rodrigues, Edgar: Santos - the Barcelona of Brazil. Anarchism and Clas Struggle in a port city 2005, Kate Sharpley Library, London, 16p., €3,00

n- Schouten, Martin: Marinus van der Lubbe. een biografie. 1999, derde herziene en geactualiseerde druk, De Bezige Bij, Amsterdam, 332p., €14,40

Vanzetti, Bartolomeo: The Story of a Proletarian Life.  2001, Kate Sharpley Library, London/ Berkeley, CA, 16p., €2,35

Ward, Colin: Influences. Voices of Creative Dissent. (Over William Godwin, Mary Wollstonecraft, Alexander Herzen, Peter Kropotkin, Martin Buber, William Richard, Lethaby, Walter Segal, Patrick Geddes, Paul Goodman) 1991, Green Books, Devon, 147p., €7,45

Zinn, Howard: Heroes and Martyrs. Emma Goldman, Sacco & Vanzetti, and the Revolutionary Struggle. 2001, AK Press, Edinburgh, dubbel CD, 101 min., €15,00



Russische Revolutie
n- Avrich, Paul: The Russian Anarchists. 2005, (oorspr. 1967), AK Press, Edinburgh/ Oakland, CA, 303 + 9p., €18,00

Berkman, Alexander: The Russian Tragedy. 1986, (oorspr. 1922), Phoenix Press, London, 91p., €7,20

n- Cinnella, Ettore: Makhno et la révolution ukrainienne (1917 - 1921). 2003, Atelier de création libertaire, Lyon, 135p., €12,00

n- Lehning, Arthur: Lenin en de Revolutie. marxisme en anarchisme in de russische revolutie. 1994, Rode Emma, 151 p., €8,00

n- Maximoff, Gregory: The Guillotine at Work: vol.1. the leninist counter-revolution. 1979, (oorspr.1940), Cienfuegos Press, Orkney, 337+22p., €8,00

Melancon, Michael: The Socialist Revolutionaries and the Russian Anti-War Movement 1914-1917. . 1990, Ohio State University Press, Columbus, 368p., hardback, €17,10

Mett, Ida: The Kronstadt Commune. 1967, Solidarity, Bromsly, Kent, 55 + 15p., A4, Solidarity Pamphlet n° 27, €2,35

Serge, Victor: Wat elke revolutionair moet weten over repressie. 2001, (oorspr. 1925), De Dolle Hond, Amsterdam, 92p., A6, €1,75

n- Skirda, Alexandre: Nestor Makhno, Anarchy's Cossack.. The Struggle for Free Soviets in the Ukraine 1917-1921 2004, AK Press/ Kate Sharpley Library, Edinburgh/ Oakland, CA/ London, 415 + 11p., €19,50

n- Voline: The Unknown Revolution, 1917-1921. . 1990, (oorspr. 1947), Black Rose Books, Montréal/ New York, 717p., €21,00

terug naar: geschiedenis



Portugese Revolutie
Carrapato, Júlio: The Almost Perfect Crime. The Misrepresentation of Portuguese Anarchism 2004, Kate Sharpley Library, London, 13p., €3,00

Downs, Charles: Revolution at the Grassroots. Community Organizations in the Portuguese Revolution. 1989, State University of New York Press, Albany, 215p., €6,70

terug naar: geschiedenis



Spanje & de Spaanse Revolutie
Abel Paz, Durruti en de Spaanse burgeroorlog. 2004, Het Fort van Sjakoo, Amsterdam, 30p. , A4, €3,00

n- Ackelsberg, Martha A.: Free Women of Spain. Anarchism and the Struggle for the Emancipation of Women 2005, AK Press, Edinburgh/ Oakland/ West Virginia, 287p., €18,00

Bookchin, Murray: To Remember Spain. the Anarchist and Syndicalist Revolution of 1936. Essays. 1994, AK Press, Edinburgh/ San Francisco, CA, 69p., €7,25

Bookchin, Murray: The Spanish Anarchists. the heroic years 1868-1936. 1998, AK Press, Edinburgh/ San Francisco, CA, 316p., €21,00

n- Christie, Stuart: Granny made me an anarchist. 2005, Scribner, London/ Sydney, 423p., €12,00

Conlon, Eddie: Anarchism in Action. the Spanish civil war. 1993, (1986), Workers Solidarity Movement, Dublin, 38p., €2,40

A Day Mournful and Overcast…. by an ‘Uncontrollable" from the Iron Column. 1993, (oorspr. 1937), Anarchist Black Cross, London, 19p., €0,85

Protest tegen de kapitulaties van 1937 door een "incontrolado" van de Ijzeren Kolonne. 1999, De Dolle Hond, Amsterdam, 23p., €1,50

de Santillan, D.A.: After the Revolution. Economic Reconstruction in Spain Today. Reprint 1996 , (oorspr. 1937), Jura Books, Petersham, Australia, 127p., €14,40

n- Durán, Gustavo: Una enseñanza de la Guerra Española. Glorias y miserias de la improvisación de un ejército. 1980, Ediciones Júgar, Madrid/ Gijón, 126p., €6,00

n- Foguet i Boreu, Francesc: Las Juventudes Libertarias y el teatro revolucionario. Cataluña (1936-1939). 2002, Fundación Anselmo Lorenzo, Madrid, 115p., €7,75

n- Garcia, Miguel: Looking Back after twenty Years of Jail. Questions & Answers on the Spanish Anarchist Resistance. 2002, Kate Sharpley Library, London/ Berkeley, CA, 13p., €2,25

n- Giele , Jacques J.: Arbeiderszelfbestuur in Spanje.  Een verslag van de collectivisatie van de Catalaanse economie tijdens de Spaanse burgeroorlog 1936 - 1939. 2004, oorspr. 1975, Kelderuitgeverij, Utrecht, 267p. , €18,00

Guillamón, Agustin: The Friends of Durruti Group: 1937-1939.  1996, AK Press, Edinburgh/ San Francisco, CA, 126p., €12,00

Kelsey, Graham: Civil War & Civil Peace. Libertarian Aragon 1936-1937. 1985, Anarchist Encyclopedia, monograph 1, 78p., A4, €1,50

n- Manzanera, Elias: The Iron Column. Testament of a Revolutionary 2006, KSL, London, 34p., €3,00

The May Days Barcelona 1937.  1998, Freedom Press, London, 126p., €9,00

Meltzer (ed.): Miguel Garcia’s Story.  1982, Miguel Garcia Memorial Committee & Cienfuegos Press, Sandos, Orkney, 72p., brochure, €1,50

Mintz, Jerome: The Anarchists of Casas Viejas. 1994, (oorspr. 1982), Indiana University Press, Bloomington and Indianapolis, 336p., €11,20

n- Olaya, Francisco: La intervencion extranjera en la guerra civil.  1990, Ediciones MadreTierra, Móstoles, 409p., €14,00

Peirats, José: Anarchists in the Spanish Revolution.  1998, Freedom Press, London, 388p., €18,00

Peirats, José: The CNT in the Spanish Revolution, vol. 1.  2001, The Meltzer Press, Hastings, East Sussex, 299 + 14p. en fotokatern, €24,15

n- Pinós, Daniel: Ni l'arbre, ni la pierre. Des combats pour la liberté aux déchirements de l'exil. L'odyssée d'une famille libertaire espagnole 2001, Atelier de création libertaire, Lyon, 128p., €9,15

Richards, Vernon: Lessons of the Spanish Revolution.  1995, Freedom Press, London, 259p., €9,00

n- Rocker, Rudolf: The Tragedy of Spain.  1986, (oorspr. 1937), ASP, London & Doncaster, 48p., €3,00

Spain 1936-1939: Social revolution - Counter revolution. selections from the anarchist fortnightly Spain and the World. 1990, Freedom Press, London, 270p., €12,00

Spanje gisteren en vandaag, 1936 -1966. Reprint van het themanummer van het anarchistisch tijdschrift De Vrije van juli 1966, 47p., € 2.00

Tellez, Antonio: The Anarchist Resistance to Franco. biographical notes. 1994, Kate Sharpley Library, London, 48p., €3,20

The Ex. : 1936: The Spanish Revolution. 1997, AK Press/ Uitgeverij Ravijn, Edinburgh/ San Francisco, CA/ Amsterdam, , fotoboek hb + 2 mini-Cd's., €26,50

Vega, Louis Mercier: Zonder Papieren. 2001, Kelderuitgeverij/ Iris, Utrecht/ Amsterdam, 151p., €13,75

n- Wheeler, George: To Make the People Smile Again. A Memoir of the Spanish Civil War 2003, Zymurgy Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, 190p., €13,50

n- Willemse, Hanneke: Gedeeld verleden. Herinneringen van anarcho-syndicalisten aan Albalata de Cinca, 1928-1938. 1996, Doctoraalscriptie, Stichting Amsterdamse Historische Reeks, 341p., €23,55

terug naar: geschiedenis


Historische figuren en hun werken (zie ook: geschiedenis)


Avrich, P.: Bakunin and Nechaev.
1987, Freedom Press, London, 32p., €1,50

Bakunin: Marxism, Freedom and the State. 1998, Freedom Press, London, 63p., €5,25

Bakunin, Michael: God and the state. reprint 2003, Active Distribution, London, 51p., €1,50

Bakunin, Michael/ Mintz, Frank: Integral Education/ Self Management. 1986, The Anarchist Encyclopaedia, Cambridge, 11p. en 6p., A4, Folio 1 & 2., €1,25

n- Bakunin on Violence. letter to S. Nechaev. (oorpsr. 1870), Anarchist Switchboard, New York, NY, 48p., €2,25

n- Dolgoff, Sam (ed.): Bakunin on anarchism. 2002, (oorspr.1972), Black Rose Books, Montréal/ New York/ London, 453 + 13p., €16,50



Berkman, Alexander: The Russian Tragedy.
1986, (oorspr. 1922), Phoenix Press, London, 91p., €7,20

Berkman, Alexander: What is Communist Anarchism? . 1989, (oorspr. 1929), Phoenix Press, London, 117p., €4,80

Berkman, Alexander: ABC of Anarchism.  2000, (oorspr. 1929), Freedom Press, London, 108p., €6,00

Berkman, Alexander & Goldman, Emma: Deportation: Its Meaning & Menace. Last Message to the People of America. ?, oorspr. 1919, Radio Free Maine, Augusta, ME, 32p., €1,60

n- Fellner, Gene (ed.): Life of an anarchist. The Alexander Berkman Reader. 1992, Four Walls Eight Windows, New York, 354+13p., €17,60




Comfort, Alex: Writings against Power & Death.. 1994, Freedom Press, London, 166p., €8,00



Constandse, Anton
Constandse, Anton: De zelfvernietiging van het protestantisme.  Reprint 1993 , (oorspr. 1926), de AS, Moerkapelle, 124p., €7,45

Constandse, A.; Lehning, A. & De Jong, R.: Anarchisme. (drie lezingen). 1979, 2e druk, oorpsr. 1976, Bas Moreel, Wageningen, 56p., €1,25

n-Constandse , Anton: Anarchisme van de daad. 2004, 7e druk, oorspr. 1969, De Vooruitgang, Amsterdam, 173p. , €12,00

n-Constandse. A.L.: Anarchisme.  reprint (oorspr. 1930), de As, Moerkapelle, 14p., €0,75

Constandse, Anton: pakket van 5 pamfletten over godsdienst (reprints): De ellende der religie (20p., 1923); Godsdienst is opium voor het volk (15p., 1929); God is het kwaad (31p., 1924); Kan er een god zijn (16p., 1927); Nederland, God en Oranje (15p., 1932). Samen € 4,45

Gasenbeek, de Jong e.a.: Anton Constandse. Leven tegen de stroom in. 1999, Papieren Tijger/ Het Humanistisch Archief, Breda, 268p., €9,00

n- Ramaer, Hans: Het individualisme van Anton Constandse.  1995, de As, Moerkapelle, 22p., €1,50

de Cleyre

n- Brigati, A.J. (ed.): The Voltairine de Cleyre reader. 2004, AK Press, Edinburgh/ Oakland, 251 + 11p., €15,00



Flores Magón
n- Bufe, Chaz & Cowen Verter, Mitchell (ed.): Dreams of Freedom. A Ricardo Flores Magón Reader. 2005, AK Press, Edinburgh/ Oakland, CA, 420p., €18,00



Graham, Kenneth W.: The Politics of Narrative. Ideology and Social Change in William Godwin’s Caleb Williams.
1990, AMS Press, New York, 226p., hardback, €9,65

Marshall (ed.): The Anarchist Writings of William Godwin. 1996, Freedom Press, London, 182p., €9,00

Philp, Mark: Godwin’s Political Justice. 1986, Cornell university Press, Ithaca, NY, 278p., hardback, €14,40

n- Thévenet, Alain: William Godwin. des lumières à l'anarchisme 2002, Atelier de création libertaire, Lyon, 228p., €11,50



Bruns, Roger A.: The Damndest Radical. The Life and World of Ben Reitman, Chicago’s Celebrated Social Reformer, Hobo King, and Whorehouse Phusician.
1987, Univ. of Illinois Press, Urbana/ Chicago, 332p., hardback, €14,15

Goldman, Emma: Anarchism. What it Really Stands For/ A New Declaration of Independence. 2001, (reprint), BM Active, London, 19p., €0,90

Goldman, Emma: The Individual, Society and the State. 2001, (reprint), BM Active, London, 16p., €0,75

Goldman, Emma: The Social Significance of Modern Drama. 1987, Applause Theatre Books, New York, 174 +16p., €5,95

Goldman, Emma: On the Shooting of Henry Clay Frick. Pirate Press, Sheffield, 8p., €0,50

n- Wexler, Alice: Emma Goldman in Exile. From the Russian Revolution to the Spanish Civil War. 1989, Beacon Press, Boston, 301 + 15p., €18,00


Grave, Jean

n- Patsouras, Louis: The Anarchism of Jean Grave, editor, jounalist and militant. 2003, Black Rose Books, Montréal/ New York/ London, 207p., €27,20



Heywood, Erza

Blatt, Martin Henry: Free Love & Anarchism. The Biography of Erza Heywood. University of Illinois Press, 1989, 207+13p. hb, € 13,65



Kropotkin, Peter: Anarchism & Anarchist Communism. .
1993, (oorspr. 1887, 1910), Freedom Press, London, 64p., €3,75

Kropotkin, Peter: The Conquest of Bread. 1990, Elephant editions, London, 213p., pocket, €8,00

Kropotkin, Peter: The Great French Revolution 1789-1793. 2 volumes . 1986, Elephant Editions, London, 311 + 300p., €12,80

Kropotkin, Peter: The State: It's Historic Role. 1987, Freedom Press, London, 60p., €3,75

Kropotkin, Peter: Evolution and Environment.  1995, Black Rose Books, Montréal/ New York/ London, 262p., €18,60

Kropotkin, Peter: Act for Yourselves. Articles from Freedom 1886 -1907. 1998, Freedom Press, London, 131p., €9,00

Kropotkin, Peter: Fields, Factories and Workshops Tomorrow. 1998, Freedom Press, London, 205p., €12,00

Kropotkin, Peter: Mutual Aid. A Factor of Evolution. 1999, Freedom Press, London, 278p., €13,50

Purchase, Graham: Evolution & Revolution. An introduction to the Life and Thought of Peter Kropotkin. 1996, Jura Media, Petersham, Australia, 173p., €11,15

n- Kropotkin , Peter: De Verovering van het brood. 2004, oorspr. 1892, Kelderuitgeverij, Utrecht, 235p., inleiding: Marius de Geus, €20,00

n- Kropotkin , Peter: Wederzijdse hulp, een factor in de evolutie. 2004, oorspr. 1902, Kelderuitgeverij, Utrecht, 283p. , inleiding: Marius de Geus, €22,50

n- Woodcock & Avakumovic: Kropotkin. From Prince to Rebel. 1990, Black Rose Books, Montréal/ New York, 465p., €18,00




Lane: A Voluntary Political Government: Letters from Charles Lane. 1985, Coughlin Publ., 103p., € 4,95




Makhno, Nestor: The Struggle Against the State and Other Essays. . Edited by Alexandre Skirda 1996, AK Press, Edinburgh/ San Francisco, CA, 114p., €12,00


Malatesta: Anarchy.
1995, nieuwe druk (oorspr. 1891), Freedom Press, London, 54p., €4,50

n- Malatesta, Errico: At the Café. Conversations on Anarchism 2005, Freedom Press, London, 157p., pocket, €11,25

Malatesta, Errico: Fra Contadini. a Dialogue on Anarchy. 1990, Elephant Editions, London, 47p., €2,25

Malatesta: Libertat: the Anarchist Revolution. Polemical Articles, 1924-1931. 1995, Freedom Press, London, 123p., €6,75




Meltzer, Albert: I Couldn’t Paint Golden Angels. sixty years of commonplace life and anarchist agitation. (autobiografie). 1996, AK Press/ Kate Sharpley Library, Edinburgh/ San Franciso, CA/ London, 386p., €20,50




Thomas, Edith: Louise Michel. . 1980, (oorspr. 1971), Black Rose Books, Montréal, 444p., €12,90



Morris, William
Coleman & O’Sullivan (ed): William Morris & News from Nowhere. A Vision for our Time.
1990, Green Books, Devon, 213p., €7,45

Morris, William: Art & Society. Lectures and Essays by William Morris. 1993, George Hill Publications, Boston, 174p., €6,40

n- Morton, A.L. (ed.): Political Writings of William Morris. . 1984, Lawrence & Wishart, London, 260p., hardback, €8,68

n- Thompson, E.P.: William Morris. Romantic to Revolutionary. 1976, (1955), Merlin Press, London, 825p., €22,50



Mumford, Lewis

Miller, Donald L.: Lewis Mumford, a Life. . 1989, Univ. of Pittsburgh Press, Pittsburgh, PA/ London, 628+21p., €8,70



Pataud en Pouget

Pataud, E. & Pouget, E.: How We Shall Bring about the Revolution (Syndicalism and the Co-operative Commonwealth). Pluto Press, 1990 (oorspr. 1909), 237 +40p., € 7,45



Condit, Stephen: Proudhonist Materialism & Revolutionary Doctrine..
1982, Cienfuegos Press, Orkney, 43p., €3,20

Gambone, L.: Proudhon and Anarchism. . 1996, Red Lion Press, Montréal, 12p., €1,75

Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph: General Idea of the Revolution in the Nineteenth Century. . 1989, (oorspr. 1851), Pluto Press, London, 301 + 39p., €7,45

Radius, Simon: Proudhon over Kerk en Samenleving. . 1992, herdruk (oorspr. 1981), De As, Moerkapelle, 42p., €2,00

n- Woodcock, George: Pierre Joseph Proudhon . A Biography. 1987, Black Rose Books, Montréal/ New York, 295+25p., €19,20


Read, Herbert
Goodway, David (ed.): Herbert Read Reassessed. 1998, Liverpool University Press, Liverpool, 328 + 7p., groot formaat, €9,00

Read, Herbert: A One-Man Manifesto & Other Writings. 1994, Freedom Press, London, 205p., €9,00


Reclus, Elisée: The Evolution of Cities.
1995, (1895), Jura Books, Petersham, Australia, 22p., €1,60

n- Reclus, Elisee: Anarchy. 1992, (oorspr. 1884), C.G.H. Services, Cymru, 13p., €1,50



Rocker, Rudolf (zie ook bij anarchosyndicalisme)
Rocker, Rudolf: Nationalism and Culture.
1978, Michael E. Coughlin, St Paul, Minnesota, 614p., hardback, Luxe editie, €30,50

Rocker, Rudolf: Anarcho-Syndicalism. ?, (oorspr. 1938), Phoenix Press, London, 92p., €4,25

Rocker, Rudolf: Nationalism and Culture. 1998, Black Rose Books, Montréal/ New York/ London, 592p., €24,00

Rocker, Firmin: The East End Years. A Stepney Childhood. 1998, Freedom Press, London, 192p., €12,00

n- Rocker, Rudolf: The London Years. 2005, AK Press/ Five Leaves Publications, Oakland/ Nottingham, 228p., €22,50





Marshall, Byron: The Autobiography of Osugi Sakae. University of California Press, 1992, 167p., € 8,05.



Clark, John: Max Stirners' Egoism. .
1976, Freedom Press, London, 111p., €6,75

Stirner, Max: The Ego and It’s Own. . 1993, (oorspr.1845), Rebel Press, London, 366+18p., €13,60

n- Stirner, Max: The False Principle of our Education. or Humanism & Realism. 1967, Ralph Myles, Colorado Springs, Clorado, 28p., €3,75




Wilde, Oscar: De menselijke ziel onder het socialisme. 1992, Iris, Amsterdam, 49p., € 3,45



Wilson, Charlotte

Wilson, Charlotte: Anarchist Essays. 2000, Edited by Nicolas Walter, Freedom Press, London, 95p., €9,00




n- Bottomfish Blues: The Coming of Black Genocide and other essays. . 1993, Vagabond Press, New York, NY, 124p., in ringband, €10,50

Cohen, Yolande (ed).: Women and Counter Power. . 1989, Black Rose Books. , Montréal/ New York, 230p., €20,10

Cross, Maire & Gray, Tim: The Feminism of Flora Tristan. . 1992, Berg, Oxford/Providence, 193p., hardback, €8,05

n- Dark Star Collective: Quiet Rumours. an anarcha-feminist reader. (de eerste helft is een reprint van de brochures: Quiet rumours: an anarcho-feminist anthology en Untying the Knot) 2002, AK Press/ Dark Star, Edinburgh/ San Francisco, CA, 116p, €15,00

Davies, Stevie: Unbridled Spirits. Women in the English Revolution 1640-1660. 1998, The Women’s Press, London, 356p., hardback, €8,70

n- Fell, Margaret: Womens Speaking. . 1989, (oorspr. 1666), Pythia Press, London, 33p., €3,20

Freeman/Levine: Untying the knot. feminism, anarchism & organisation. 1984, Dark Star/Rebel Press, London, 23 p., €1,35

n- Juno, Andrea & Vale, V.: Angry Women. . 1991, RE/Search Publications, ?, 240p., A4, Research 13, €19,20

Karamazov, Dominique: The Poverty of Feminism. . 1998, (1977), Elephant Editions, London, 55p., pocket, €1,90

Kornegger, Peggy: Anarchism: the Feminist Connection. . 2003, Active Distribution, London, 16p., €0,75

Lichtenfels, Saben & Duhm, Dieter: 24 theses for a New Women’s Movement (Creating a Culture of partnership among Women, Men and the Earth)/ 12 Theses for a Nonviolent Earth. . 1996, See Sharp Press, Tucson, Arizona, 23p., €1,60

n- Liptrot, Michelle: "Bondage Up Yours". Experiences of female punks in the nineteen nineties 2004, Active, London, 54p., €1,50

n- Mackay, Lee (ed.): Children and Feminism. . 1987, Hazelton, 284 + 8p., A4, €8,75

Power, Organisation & Ideas.. reprint van Untying the Knot met een nawoord van de Anarchist Federation. 1999, Anarchist Federation, London, 26p., €2,90

De tweede golf voorbij ?. Gesprekken met 19 vrouwen over hun actieve jaren in de vrouwenbeweging. 1992, Atalanta, Utrecht, 200p., €6,20


Anslim: Beyond Sexuality. feminism, men’s liberation, gender & power, sexuality, class, economics. 1992, Phoenix Press, London, 115p, €7,20

n- Blue, Violet: The Ultimate Guide to Fellatio. How to Go Down on a Man and Give Him Mind-Blowing Pleasure. 2002, Cleis Press, San Francisco, CA, 253 + 14p., €16,50

Chalker, Rebecca: The Clitoral Truth. The Secret World at Your Fingertips. 2000, Seven Stories Press, New York, 256p., €12,00

English Collective of Prostitutes: Prostitute Women and AIDS. Resisting the Virus of Repression. 1993, Cros Roads Books, London, 87p., €6,40

Gibson, Tony: Love, Sex & Power in Later Life. A Libertarian Perspective. 1992, Freedom Pess, London, 101p., €5,25

Lucas, Ian: Impertinent Decorum. Gay Theatrical Manoeuvres. 1994, Cassell, London, 205 + 15p., €4,95

Matrix, Cherie (ed.): Tales from the Clit. a female experience of pornography. 1996, AK Press, Edinburgh/ San Francisco, CA, 144 + 10p., €12,00

Sex-you-ality. Challenging the culture of monogamy. 1999, Godhaven Ink, Leeds, 58p., €3,20

n- Winks, Cathy & Semans, Anne: The New Good Vibration Guide to Sex. . "the most complete sex manual ever written" 2002, revised and updated third edition, Cleiss Press, San Francisco, California, 338 + 12p., A4, €29,40



n- Avrich, Paul: The Modern School Movement. Anarchism and Education in the United States. 2006, (oorspr. 1980), AK Press, Edinburgh/ Oakland, CA, 434 + 9p., €21,00

Cullen, Stephen: Children in Society. a libertarian critique. 1991, Freedom Press, London, 43p., Anarchist Discussion Series, €3,00

Duane, Michael: The Terrace. An Education Experiment in a State School. 1995, Freedom Press, London, 76p., €3,75

n- Gore, Joanna Stephanie: Leave me alone. Powercontrol and resistance in a primary school 2004, Libertarian Education, London, 85p., €10,50

n- Gribble, David (ed): That's All Folks. Dartington Hall School Remembered. Reminiscences and Reflections of Former Pupils 1987, West Aish Publishing, Devon, 200p., €6,00

Gribble, David: Real Education. varieties of freedom. 1998, Libertarian education, Bristol, 259p., €14,40

n- Gribble, David: A Really Good School. (roman) 2001, Seven-Ply Yarns, Ipswich, 264p., €12,00

n- Gribble, David: Lifelines. 2004, Libertarian Education, London, 144p., €13,50

n- Kunina, Sammy: Revolution Within. A Manifesto Towards Freedom. 2003, Praxis Publications, Devon, 104p., €9,00

Shotton, John: No master high or low. libertarian education and schooling 1890-1990. 1993, Libertarian education, Bristol, 291p., €11,90

n- Sims, Hylda: Inspecting the Island. The Summerhill novel. 2000, Seven-Ply Yarns, Ipswich, 210p., €12,00

Ward, Colin: The Child in the Country. 1988, Bedford Square Press, London, 208p., €2,95

Ward, Colin: The Child in the City. 1990, Bedford Square Press, London, 217p., €2,95

Ward, Colin: Talking Schools. Ten Lectures. 1995, Freedom Press, London, 141p., €8,00

Wright, N.: Free school. the White Lion Experiment. 1989, Libertarian education, Leicestershire, 73p., €8,05


ECOLOGIE/ BOOKCHIN (ook: veganisme/dierenbevrijding, )

Biehl, Janet: Rethinking Ecofeminist Politics.  1991, South End Press, Boston, Massachusetts, 189p., €6,40

Biehl & Staudenmaier: Ecofascism. Lessons from the German Experience. 1995, AK Press, Edinburgh/ San Francisco, CA, 73p., €8,00

Bookchin, Murray: The Philosophy of Social Ecology. essays on Dialectical Naturalism. 1990, Black Rose Books, Montréal/ New York/ London, 198p., €19,35

Bookchin, Murray: Which Way for the Ecological Movement?. Essays. 1994, AK Press, Edinburgh/ San Francisco, CA, 75p., €7,25

Bookchin, Murray: Social Anarchism or Lifestyle Anarchism. an unbridgeable chasm. 1995, AK Press, Edinburgh/ San Francisco, CA, 86p., €9,00

n- Bookchin, Murray: Post-Scarcity Anarchism. 2004, AK Press, Edinburgh/ Oakland / West-Virginia, 199 + 41p., €15,00

n- Bookchin, Murray: The Ecology of Freedom. The emergence and dissolution of hierarchy. 2005, AK Press, Edinburgh/ Oakland, 491p., €21,00

Clark, John (ed.): Renewing the Earth. The promise of social ecology; a celebration of the work of Murray Bookchin. 1990, Green Print (Merlin Press), London, 219p., €4,95

Deep ecology & anarchism. a polemic (o.a. met Bookchin, Brian Morris, Graham Purchase). 1997, Freedom Press, London, 76p., €4,50

n- Ecology and Class. Where there's brass, there's muck ?, Anarchist Federation, London, 40p., A4, €3,00

Morris, Brian: Ecology & Anarchism. Essays and Reviews on Contemporary Thought. 1996, Image Publishing (Malvan), Worcestershire, 192p., hardback, €12,80

Ward, Colin: Freedom to Go. after the motorage. 1991, Freedom Press, London, 112p., €5,25

Zileli, Gun: To Play Chess on a Backgammon Board. About M.Bookchin’s Urbanization without Cities. 1999, Karambol Publications, London, 6p., €0,12



Animal Liberation. history in the makung 2005, Compassion Media, 204 min., DVD over A.L.F en E.L.F, €9,00

Animal Liberation: devastate to liberate? Or devastating liberal?. 1994, Pelagian Press, ?, 36p., €2,35

Beasts of Burden: Capitalism – Animals – Communism. 1999, Antagonism Press, London, 32p., €0,60

n- Document: A story of Hope. A collection of vegan receipes and stories from the independent Dublin music scene. 2003, Hope Publications, Dublin, 160p., €9,00

E.G. Smith Collective: Animal Ingredients A to Z. 1997, Second Edition, EG Smith Press/ AK Press, Dayton, OH/ Edinburgh/ San Francisco, CA, 87p., €8,00

n- Grime + Nourishment. A Vegan Cookbook. 2003, 56a Infoshop, London, 127p., €4,50

Ronny: The Cake Scoffer. Cheap 'n' Easy Vegan Cooking. 2000, Vegan International Cake Engineers, London, 20p., €1,60

n- Splint, Ryan: Hot Damn and Hell Yeah. Recipes for Hungry Banditos 2005, Active Distribution, London, 62p., €1,50



n- Biotic Baking Brigade: Pie Any Means Necessary.. The Biotic Baking Brigade Cookbook 2004, AK Press/ Rebel Folk Press, Edinburgh/ Oakland, CA, 117p., €12,00

n- Chrissus and Odotheus: Barbarians: disordered insurgence. 2004, Elephant Editions, London, 91p., €4,50

n- Crimethinc Inc: Recipes for Disaster. an anarchist cookbook 2005, Crimethinc Workers Collective, Olympia, WA, 624p., speciaal formaat, €15,00

n- Days of Dissent. Reflections on Summit Mobilisations 2004, Dissent Network, London, 46p., >A4, €2,25

n- Do or Die: Weg met het Empire! Laat de lente komen !. 2005, Baalprodukties, Sittard, 191p., pocket, €10,00

n- Killing King Abacus: The Anarchist Ethic in the Age of the Anti-globalzation Movement. 2004?, Elephant Editions, London, 53p., €4,50

n- Ryan, Ramor: Clandestines. The Pirate Journals of an Irish Exile. 2006, AK Press, Edinburgh/ Oakland, CA, 281p., €13,50

n- Schnews at Ten. A Decade of Party & Protest 2005, Schnews, Brighton, 320p., €9,00

n- Where is the Festival?. Notes on Summits & Counter-Summits 2005, Elephant Editions, London, 42p., €2,25

n- Wrekk, Alex: Stolen Sharpie Revolution. A DIY zine resource 2005, 3th ed., Microcosm Publishing, Portland, Oregon, 156p., A6, €6,00

n- Yuen, Eddie; Katsiafics, George & Burton Rose, Daniel (ed.): The Battle of Seattle. The New Challenge to Capitalist Globalization. 2001, Soft Skull Press, New York, 393p., groot formaat, €19,20

Abramsky, Kolya (ed): Restructuring and Resistance. Diverse Voices of Struggle in Western Europe. 2001, Abramski, London, 564p., €22,30

n- Acción Global de los Pueblos. Resistencia al neoliberalismo en los cinco continentes. 2001, Eguzki Irratia, Iruñea, 146p., A4, €6,50

Carlsson, Chris (ed): Critical Mass. Bicycling's Defiant Celebration. 2002, AK Press, Edinburgh/ Oakland, CA, 256p., €18,00

Draaisma, Jitske & Helms, Jan Kees: Generatie Speldenprik.  2000, Baalprodukties, Sittard, 144p., €9,00

n- estudiantes, antiestudiantes, policía, prensa, poder. movimiento estudiantil de 1986-87 en España y Francia. 2001, Colectivo Maldeojo, Madrid, 263p., €9,90

McKay, George: Senseless Acts of Beauty. Cultures of Resistance since the Sixties. 1996, Verso, Londen, 210+13p., €19,35

Merrick: There’s A Riot Goin’On?. Protests, newspapers and myth-information. 1997, Godhaven Ink, Leeds, 40p., €1,50

Schnews: Yearbook 2002. 2002, Justice?, 300p., €11,20


HUISVESTING/STADSPLANNING (ook: kraken, en travellers)

Ward, Colin: Welcome thinner city. Urban Survival in the 1990’s. 1989, Bedford Square Press, London, 122p., €2,95

Ward, Colin: Talking Houses. Ten Lectures. 1990, Freedom Press, London, 142p., €8,00

Ward, Colin: Talking to Architects. ten lectures. 1996, Freedom Press, London, 110p., €8,00

Ward, Colin: Cotters and Squatters. Housing's Hidden History. 2002, Five Leaves Publications, Nottingham, 176p., €16,00

Ideal Home. survival edition (Over kraken, leven als zigeuners, Stonehenge en bouwbeschrijvingen voor tipi’s, ...). ?, New Anarchist Review, London, 129p., 2,00



Duivenvoorden, Eric: Een voet tussen de deur. Geschiedenis van de kraakbeweging 1964-1999.
2000, De Arbeiderspers, Amsterdam, 370p., €9,00

Laat 1000 vrijplaatsen bloeien. onderzoek naar vrijplaatsen in Amsterdam. 2001, De Vrije Ruimte', Amsterdam, 141p., €10,00

n- Traimond, Jean-Manuel: Récits de Christiania. 1994, Atelier de création libertaire, Lyon, 142p., €10,65

Zwartboek Ontruimingen. De beschrijving van een aantal dubieuze gerechtelijke uitspraken en de gevolgen daarvan voor de Amsterdamse kraakpanden in de periode '93-99. 1999, Fort van Sjakoo (distributie), Amsterdam, 117p., €5,00




Dearling, Alan: No Boundaries. new Travellers on the road (outside of England). 1998, Enabler Publications, Dorset, 188p., €14,85




n- Anarchist Federation: Work and the Free Society.  2003, Anarchist Federation, London, 31p., €1,50

Black, Bob: The Abolition of Work.  ?, ?, ?, 12p., €1,60

Bolsjewisme en Taylorisme. dilemma's en debatten in de vroege 20er jaren. 1985, Kronstadt Kollektief, Boskoop, 56p., €1,25

n- Brinton, Maurice: For Workers' Power. The Selected Writings of Maurice Brinton 2004, AK Press, Edinburgh/ Oakland, 379p., David Goodway, editor, €18,00

Brown, T.: Tom Brown’s Syndicalism.  1990, Phoenix Press, London, 111p., €6,45

Brown, Tom: British Syndicalism. Pages of Labour History. 1994, Kate Sharpley Library, London, 30p., €1,60

Carlsson, Chris (ed): Bad Attitude. the processed world anthology. (massieve anthologie van het tijdschrift Bad Attitude ‘dedicated to all the subversive spirits languishing in lonely, useless jobs everywhere’) 1990, Verso, London/ New York, 281p., A4, €12,00

n- Casas, Juan Gomez: Anarchist Organisation. The History of the FAI. 1986, Black Rose Books, 261p., €16,50

Direct Action Movement: Strike Action.  ?, Dark Star/DAM, (London), 7p., €1,00

Douglass, Dave.: Refracted Perspective. the left, working class trade unionism and the miners. 1991, 121 Bookshop, Brixton, 12p., €1,10

Douglass, Dave: All power to the imagination!. Revolutionary class struggle in trade unions and the petty bourgeois fetish of organisational purity. 1998, Class War Federation, London, 120p., €7,45

Flynn, E. G.: Sabotage.  (oorspr. 1916), Pirate Press, Sheffield, 16p., €1,50

n- Fusfield, Daniel R.: The Rise & Repression of Radical Labor USA 1877-1918.  1992, Charles H. Kerr, Chicago, Illinois, 71p., pocket, €6,45

The General Strike. 1986, (oorspr. 1933), Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), Chicago, IL, 48p., €3,20

Geurtsen, Ton: Nachtmerries op een duivels oorkussen. opkomst, ontwikkeling en mogelijke ondergang van het westerse arbeidsethos. 1996, Baalprodukties/ De Papieren Tijger, Sittard/ Breda, 263p., €16,75

Gunn, Christopher Eaton: Workers’ Self-Management in the United States.  1986, Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY/ London, 251p., €6,95

Lafargue, Paul: Het Recht op Luiheid. Weerlegging van 'het recht op arbeid' van 1848. (oorspr. 1880), De Dolle Hond, Amsterdam, 50p., €1,75

Lenin, Stalin en het fabrieksdespotisme . –een libertaire visie. 1999, Tegenstroom, Leuven, 46p., €2,50

Maximoff, G.P.: The Program of Anarcho-Syndicalism. 1999, (1927), Insurgency Culture Collective, Los Angeles, CA, 66p., €2,40

Meltzer, Albert: First Flight. The Origins of Anarchosyndicalism in Britain. 1992?, Kate Sharpley Library, London, 25p., €1,60

Morris, William & Ward, Colin: A Factory as it Might Be/ The Factory We Never Had.  1994, Mushroom Bookshop, Nottingham, 36p., A6, €1,85

Nijboer & Wiersma: Vrij Baan. negen mensen aan het woord over baanloosheid. 1996, Atalanta, Utrecht, 61p., €2,95

Ostergaard, Geoffrey: The Tradition of Worker’s Control. . 1997, Freedom Press, London, 154p., €10,50

Patchrider, Des: The Couriers are Revolting. the Despatch Industry Workers Union 1989-92. 2000, Kate Sharpley Library, London, 26p., A4, geniet, €2,35

Patten, John: Ned Kelly’s Ghost. The Tottenham IWW and the Tottenham Tragedy. 1997, Kate Sharpley Library, London, 23p., €1,50

n- Pouget, Emile: Direct Action.  2003, Kate Sharpley Library, London/ Berkeley, CA, 19p., €3,00

Rocker, Rudolf: Anarchism & Anarcho-Syndicalism.  2001, (oorspr. 1937), Freedom Press, London, 48p., €3,75

Rocker, Rudolf: Anarcho-Syndicalism.  ?, (oorspr. 1938), Phoenix Press, London, 92p., €4,25

n- Rocker, Rudolf: Anarcho-Syndicalism. Theory and Practice 2004, AK Press, Edinburgh/ London/ Oakland, 116 + 16p., voorwoord door Noam Chomsky; inleiding van Nicolas Walter, €13,50

n- Schuurman, Herman J.: Werken is misdaad.  1999, (oorspr. 1924), De Dolle Hond, Amsterdam, 7p., A6, €0,40

Sprouse, Martin (ed.): Sabotage in the American Workplace. Anecdotes of dissatisfaction, mischief and revenge. 1992, Pressure Drop/ AK Press, San Francisco, CA/ Edinburgh, 175p., A4, €15,00

Unfinished Business. ...The Politics of Class War. 1992, AK Press/ Class War Federation, Stirling, 181p., €6,75

Van de Wiel, Han (red.): Voor niks gaat de zon op! . Terug naar de werkverschaffing? 1988, Werkgroep Basisinkomen Uitkerings-gerechtigden, Nijmegen, 77p., €1,50

Vanvugt, Ewald: Brief aan een overspannen werknemer. Over stress en de zin van het nietsdoen, het taboe van 2000. 2000, Baalprodukties, Sittard, 99p., €8,70

Vrouwen op Ongebaande wegen. over eigen-werk van baanloze vrouwen. 1990, Schrijfsterskollektief ‘de zalm’, Nijmegen, 128p., €2,50

What’s Happening?. The truth about work… & the myth of "partnership". 1997?, Trade Union Forum, London, 68p., €4,45

Why Work ? Arguments for the leisure society. 1997, (oorspr. 1983), Freedom Press, London, 210p., €10,50

Winning the Class War. An Anarcho-syndicalist strategy. DAM-IWA, Glasgow, 28p., €1,60


EKONOMIE: algemeen

n- Albert, Michael & Hahnel, Robin: Looking Forward. Participatory Economics for the 21st Century. 1991, South End Press, Boston, MA, 153p., groot formaat, €16,50

n- Albert, Michael: Thinking Forward. Learning to Conceptualize Economic Vision. 1997, Arbeiter Ring, Winnipeg/ Manitoba (Canada), 211p., €15,00

Albert, Michael: Moving Forward. Program for a participatory economy. 2000, AK Press, Edinburgh/ San Franciso, CA/ London, 160p., €12,00

n- Albert, Michael: Thought Dreams. Radical Theory for the 21th Century 2004, Arbeiter Ring, Winnipeg, Manitoba (Canada), 190p., €13,50

Capitalism won’t fall by itself.  1998, Workers Solidarity Movement, Dublin, 32p., Anarchist Reprint Series, €2,35

n- Douthwaithe, Richard: The Ecology of Money.  1999, Green Books, Devon, 78p., Schumacher Briefings 4, €8,00

Duane, Michael: Work, Language and Education in the Industrial State.  1991, Freedom Press, London, 35p., €1,50

George, Susan: The Lugano Report. On Preserving Capitalism in the Twenty-first Century. 1999, Pluto Press, London, 213p., €16,75

Janssen, Raf (ed): Minima 2000. Losse eindjes aan elkaar knopen. 1987, Stichting Commissie Oriënteringsdagen, Utrecht, 228p., A4, €2,50

Janssen, Raf: Dansen en Ontspringen: in twijfelpas met zorg, arbeid & natuur. verandering door begripsvorming, een nieuwe strategie voor sociale bewegingen. 1995, Commissie Oriënteringsdagen, Utrecht, 192p., €7,45

n- Kraus, Chris & Lotringer, Sylvère (ed.): Hatred of Capitalism. A Semiotext(e) reader. 2001, Semiotext(e), Columbia University, New York/ Los Angeles, CA, 421p., €17,25

n- Pannekoek, Anton: Workers' Councils.  (met interviews met Noam Chomsky, Ken Coates, Peter Hitchcock en Paul Mattick over boek en auteur) 2003, AK Press, Edinburgh/ London/ Oakland, 209 + 34p., €13,50

Pym, Dennis: The Employment Question and other essays. 1986, Freedom Press, London, 68p., €3,20

n- Schalit, Joel (ed.): The Anti-Capitalism Reader. Imagining a Geography of Opposition. 2002, Akashic Books, New York, 346p., €19,50

Seabrook, Jeremy: The Race for Riches. the Human Cost of Wealth. 1988, Green Print, Basingstoke, Hants, 182p., paperback, €2,50

Spann, Edward K.: Brotherly Tromorrows. movements for a cooperative society in America: 1820-1920. 1989, Columbia University Press, New York, 354p., hardback, €8,90

Ward, Colin: Reflected in Water. a Crisis of Social Responsibility. 1997, Cassell, London, 157p., €6,45



ANARCHO-PACIFISME/GEWELD (ook: kriminologie/gerecht)

n- The Anarchist Response to War and Labor Violence in 1914. Rebecca Edelsohn, Alexander Berkman, Anti-Militarism, Free Speech and Hunger Strikes. 2003, Kate Sharpley Library, London/ Berkeley, CA, 26p., €3,00

n- Beristain, Carlos M.: L'insumision incarcérée. 1995, Atelier de création libertaire, Lyon, 144p., €10,00

Bonanno, Alfredo: The Insurrectional Project. . 1999, Elephant Editions, London, 64p., €2,35

n- Bonanno, Alfredo M.: Revolution, Violence, Antiauthoritarianism. A few notes 2003, Elephant Editions, London, 36p., €2,50

n- Churchill, Ward & Ryan, Mike: Pacifism as Pathology. Reflections on the Role of Armed Struggle in North America. 1998, Arbeiter Ring, Manitoba, Canada, 176p., pocket, €9,00

n- Ciancabilla, Guiseppe: Fired by the Ideal. Italian-American Responses to Czolgosz's killing of McKinley. 2002, Kate Sharpley Library, London/ Berkeley, CA, 28p., €2,25

n- Grafton, Pete: You, You and You!. The People Out of Step with World War II. 1981, Pluto Press, London, 169p., €1,60

Hansen, Ann: Direct Action. Memoirs of an Urban Guerrilla. 2002, Between the Lines/ AK Press, Toronto/ Edinburgh/ London/ Oakland, CA, 493 + 14p., €22,50

n- Key, Anna (ed.) : No War But The Class War!. Libertarian Anti-Militarism Then and Now. 2003, Kate Sharpley Library, London/ Berkeley, CA, 21p., €3,00

n- Krikke, Hans: Dagboek van een RARA-terrorist. 1996, Papieren Tijger, Breda, 144p., €3,00

Martin, Brian: Uprooting War. . 1984, Freedom Press, London, 298p., €8,00

Martin, Brian: Social Defence, Social Change. . 1993, Freedom Press, London, 157p., €8,00

n- Meyers, William: Nonviolence and Its Violent Consequences. 2000, III Publishing, Gualala, CA, 16p., €2,25

n- Pike, Derrick: Creating Peaceful People. . 1989, Walton Press, Glastonbury, 98p., brochure, €4,85

Sanguinetti: On terrorism and the state. the theory and practice of terrorism divulged for the first time. 1982, Chronos, London, 101p., €5,20

n- Tellez, Antonio: Sabate. Guerilla Extra Ordinary. 1998, (1985, eerste engelstalige editie 1974), Elephant Editions/ AK , London/ Edinburgh/ San Francisco, CA, 208p., Anarchist pocketbooks 1, €9,00

Vague, Tom: Anarchy in the UK. the Angry Brigade. 1997, revised and expandededition, AK Press, Edinburgh/ San Francisco, CA, 158p., €10,50

n- van Alkemade, Gerard: Al ga je eraan kapot!. Het leven van vredesactivist Kees Koning 2003, Papieren Tijger, Breda, 280p., €10,00

Violence & Anarchism. a Polemic. 1993, Freedom Press, London, 87p., €3,75

You Can't Blow Up a Social Relationship. The Anarchist Case Against Terrorism. 1998, See Sharp Press, Tucson, Arizona, 20p., €1,75



Kriminologie/ gerecht
Beaten Up, Fitted Up, Locked Up. Mark Barnsley and the 'pomona Incident'. A miscarriage of Justice.
1999, Justice for Mark Barnsley, Leeds, 43p., €3,20

Bourque, Yves: Prison Abolition. . E.G. Smith Press, Columbus, Ohio, 10p., €2,00

n- Burghardt, Tom (ed.): Police State America. U.S. Military "Civil Disturbance" Planning. 2002, Arm the Spirit/ Solidarity Publishing, Toronto/ Montréal/ San Francisco, CA, 200p., €10,40

Darrow, Clarence S.: Resist not Evil. . (pleidooi uit het begin van deze eeuw voor afschaffing van strafrechtssysteem) 1994, (oorspr. 1902), Loompanics, Port Townsend, Washington, 185p., €16,35

n- Davis, Angela: The Prison-Industrial Complex. . 1997, AK Press, Edinburgh, CD, 54 Minuten, €16,00

n- Dawn Collective (ed.): Under the Yoke of the State. Selected Anarchist Responses to Prisons and Crime. Vol 1., 1886-1929 2003, Kate Sharpley Library, London/ Berkeley, CA, 60p., €4,50

n- Groupe "Ras-Les Murs": Déviance en société libertaire. Prison et anarchie 1993, Atelier de création libertaire, Lyon, 65p., €5,00

n- Lichtenstein, alexander c. & Kroll, Michael A.: The Fortress Economy. The Economic Role of the U.S. Prison System. ?, ?, 28p., €1,50

n- NOBO: Black Prison Movements USA. 1995, Africa Press, Trenton, New Jersey, 183 + 12p., €17,60

Purchase, Graham: Law & Authority. . New Anarchy Series 4, Jura Media, 28p., €1,60

Tifft, L. & Sullivan, D.: The Struggle to be Human. Crime, Criminology & Anarchism. 1980, Cienfuegos Press, Orkney, 208+16p., hardback, €4,95




Beckman, Morris: The 43 Group. 1993, Centerprise, London, 225p., €9,65

Bullstreet, K.: Bash the Fash. anti-fascist recollections 1984-93. 2001, Kate Sharpley Library, London, 31p., €2,35

De Winter, Dick: Franz HolB. Kunstenaar op de vlucht voor Hitler. 2001, De Papieren Tijger, Breda, 146p. Waarvan 80p. Prenten/caricaturen door Franz Holb), €16,00

n- Hamerquist, Don & Sakai, J.: Confronting Fascism. Discussion Documents for a Militant Movement. 2002, ARA/ Kersplebedeb/ Arsenal, Chicago, IL/ Montréal, 169p., €12,00

n- Key, Anna (ed.): Beating Fascism. Anarchist Anti-Fascism in Theory and Practice 2006, Kate Sharpley Library, London, 52p., €3,75

n- Lux, Martin: Anti-Fascist. 2006, Phoenix Press, London, 95p., €9,00

n- My Enemy's Enemy. Essays on globalization, fascism and the struggle against capitalism. 2003, Kersplebedeb, Montréal, 135p., €9,00

Red Years, Black Years. Anarchist Resistance to Fascism in Italy. 1989, (oorspr. 1973), ASP, London, 52p., €2,75

n- Resistance to Nazism. 2006, Anarchist Federation, London, 31p., €2,25

Zegers, Peter: De uitgestelde revolutie. Anarchistisch verzet tegen het fascisme in Italië 1919-1945. 1996, Rode Emma/ De Vrije Socialist, Amsterdam, 16p, €2,50


Acker, Kathy: Pussycat Fever.
1995, AK Press, Edinburgh/ San Francisco, CA, 79p., (met illustr. van Diane DiMassa & Freddy Baer), €8,00

Allen, Richard: The Complete Richard Allen, volume 2. Skinhead Girls. Sorts. Knuckle Girls. 1993, S.T. Publishing, Argyll, 288p., €12,80

n- Black, Jack.: You can’t Win. 2000, (oorspr. 1926), AK Press/ Nabat, Edinburgh/ San Franciso, CA/ London, 279p., €18,00

Buten, Howard: When I Was Five I Killed Myself. A Novel. roman 1996, L'Insomniaque/Barna-Ostertag, Paris, 156p., €8,00

Buten, Howard: I Understand That If Not Completely Satisfied I Will Be Issued A Full Refund.roman 1996, L'Insomniaque/Barna-Ostertag, Paris, 145p., €8,00

Childish, Billy: My Fault. 2001, (oorspr. 1996), Codex Books, Hove, 311p., €12,80

Cullen, Steve: The Last Capitalist. a dream of a new utopia. 1996, Freedom Press, London, 91p., €5,25

Dellar, e.a.: Seaton Point. (een gezamelijk geschreven verhaal van zeven jonge flatbewoners in een sociale wijk in Hackney, London). 1998, Spare Change Books, London, 159p., €11,20

Eccarius: We Should have Killed the King. 1990, III Publishing, San Diego, CA, 191p., €5,60

n- Gilliland, M.: The Free. . 1990, Attack International, 153p., €4,00

Gobbing, Pogoing and Gratuitous Bad Language. An anthology of punk short stories. 1996, Spare Change Books, London, 159p., €11,20

Herrick, William: Jumping the Line. the adventures and misadventures of an American radical. 2001, AK Press, Edinburgh/ Oakland, CA, 279 + 23p., €15,00

Himelstein, Abram Shalom & Schwezer, Jamie: Tales of a Punk Rock Nothing. 2000, New Mouth from the Dirty South, New Orleans, Louisiana, 161p., €8,05

Home, Stewart: Red London.1994, AK Press, Edinburgh, 158p., €9,00

Home, Stewart: Slow Death. 1996, High Risk Books, New York/ London, 245p., €14,40

Lofton, Saab: A.D. (Science Fiction, mengeling van anarchistisch en Star Trek geïnspireerd) 1995, III Publishing, Gualala, Ca, 314p., €12,40

Manly, Stanley: Raiders of the Low Forehead. 1999, Attack, Creation Books, London, 152p., pocket, €11,20

Matiasz, G.A..: End Time. Notes on the Apocalypse. (Science fiction) 1996, AK Press, Edinburgh/ San Franciso, CA/ London, 299p., €12,00

Méry, Michel: Pyrexia. science fiction, 1997, III Publishing, Gualala, Ca, 189p., €8,00

n- Newman, Robert: The Fountain at the Centre of the World. 2003, Verso, London/ New York, 343p., €16,50

Purchase, Graham: My Journey With Aristotle to the Anarchist Utopia. (utopische roman) 1994, III Publishing, Gualala, Ca, 125p., pocket, €7,80

Reitman, Ben: Sister of the Road. The Autobiography of Boxcar Bertha. 2002, AK Press/ Nabat, Edinburgh/ Oakland, CA / London, 205p., €16,50

Rimbaud, Penny: Shibboleth. my revolting life. 1998, AK Press, Edinburgh/ San Franciso, CA/ London, 345p., pocket, €10,50

Rimbaud, Penny: The Diamond Signature & The Death of Imagination. 1999, AK Press, Edinburgh/ San Francisco, CA, 247p., pocket, €12,00

Robnoxious: The Fall of America. eigen uitgave, Mankato, MN, 128p., met een kaft uit verpakkingsmateriaal, €4,35

Rower, Ann: If You’re a Girl. 1990, Semiotext(e), Columbia University, New York, 270p., pocket, €9,60

Traven, Ben: The Rebellion of the Hanged. 1997, (1952), Allison & Busby, London, 248p., €6,80

n- Van Raaij, Sies: De Rolling.. Roman. 1993, A.S.G. Strengholt's Boeken, Naarden, 124p., €2,50

n- Vidocq, François Eugène: Memoirs of Vidocq: Master of crime. 2003, AK Press/ Nabat, Edinburgh/ London/ Oakland, 370 + 17p., €21,00



Arrabal , F.: Picknick op het slagveld en Guernica. . 1979, Spreeuw, Utrecht, 83p., €3,00

Baudelaire, Charles: Over de Wijn en de Hasjiesj vergeleken als middelen om de individualiteit te vermenigvuldigen. . 2001, De Dolle Hond, Amsterdam, 37p., A6, €1,20

Beauchamp, Monte (ed.): The life and Times of R. Crumb. Comments from Contemporaries. 1998, St. Martin's Griffin, New York, 182p., €8,00

n- Berger, George: The Story of Crass. 2006, Omnibus Press, London, 295p., €15,00

Blechmann, Max (ed.): Revolutionary Romanticism. A Drunken Boat Anthology. 1999, City Lights, San Francisco, 262p., €24,15

Brener, Aleksandr: Een ondergezeken pistool. . 1998, Ravijn, Amsterdam, 110p., pocket, €9,40

Campbell, Allan & Niel, Tim (ed.): A Life in Pieces. Reflections on Alexander Trocchi. 1997, Rebel Inc., Edinburgh, 307p., €6,20

n- Cockburn, Alexander & St. Clair, Jeffrey (ed.): Serpents in the Garden.. Liaisons with Culture & Sex. 2004, AK Press/ Counterpunch, Edinburgh/ Oakland (CA)/ Petrolia (CA), 348 + 23p., pocket, €18,00

n- Costantini, Flavio: The Art of Anarchy. . 1986, oorspr. 1975, Black Flag, London, 53p., A4, €4,50

n- Crass: You're already dead. reprint, (oorspr. 1984), Active Distribution, London, 15p., €0,30

n- Crass: Love songs. 2004, Pomona Books, West Yorkshire, 264 + 29p., pocket, €15,00

n- Deleuze, Gilles & Guattari, Félix: Rhizoom. Een inleiding. 2004, Spreeuw, Utrecht, 57p., €10,00

n- Drijkoningen, F. & Fontijn, J.: Historische Avantgarde. Programmatische teksten van het Italiaans Futurisme, Het Russisch Futurisme, Dada, het Constructivisme, het Surrealisme en het Tsjechisch Poëtisme 1991, Huis aan de Drie Grachten, Amsterdam, 439p., €10,00

Fo, Dario & Rane, Franca: Theatre Workshops at Riverside Studios London, 1983. . 1983, Red Notes, London, 74p., A4, €4,80

n- Gallas, John & Harper, Clifford: The Ballad of Santo Caserio. . 2003, Agraphia Press, London, 25p., €10,50

Harper; Gould & Clover (eds.): Visions of Poesy. An Anthology of 20th Century Anarchist Poesy. 1994, Freedom Press, London, 301p., €13,50

n- Harper, Clifford & Gallas John: The Ballad of Robin Hood and the Deer. 1999, Agraphia Press, London, 22p., €10,50

Home, Stewart: The Assault on Culture. utopian currents from lettrisme to class war. 1991, AK Press, Stirling, 115p., €9,00

n- Home, Stewart: Neoist Manifestos/ The Art Strike Papers. 1991, AK Press, Stirling, 52 + 44p., €9,00

n- Home, Stewart: Neoism, Plagiarism & Praxis. 1995, AK Press, Edinburgh/ San Francisco, 207p., €13,50

Home, Stewart (ed.): Mind Invaders. A reader in psychic warfare, cultural sabotage and semiotic terrorism. 1997, Serpent's Tail, London, 210 + 13p., €16,00

Home, Stewart.: Confusion Incorporated. a collection of lies, hoaxes & hidden truths. 1999, Codex, Hove, 223p., €12,90

Huelsenbeck, Richard: Fantastische Gebeden. . 2001, (oorspr. 1916), De Dolle Hond, Amsterdam, 22p., A6, €0,60

Kelly, Jeff (ed.): The Best of Temp Slave. . 1997, Garrett County Press, Madison, WI, 162 + 14p., €13,40

n- Large, Alix: L'esprit libertaire du surréalisme. 1999, Atelier de création libertaire, Lyon, 111p., €9,15

Millen, Colin: The Vision. An Imaginary view of a better future for mankind and a possible way forward. 1999, Health Books, Norfolk, 36p., €1,60

Nawrockci. : Rebel Moon . @narchist Rants & Poems.. 1997, AK Press, Edinburgh/ San Franciso, CA/ London, 103p., €12,00

n- Noguez, Dominique: Lenin Dada. Essay. 1993, Ravijn, Amsterdam, 143p., €1,50

O’Hara, Craig: The Philosophy of Punk. more than noise!!. 1999, (revised edition), AK Press, Edinburgh/ San Franciso, CA/ London, 171p., €12,00

Olday, John: The Blue Cow and her fantastic exploits. . 1996, Freedom Press, London, 66p., €6,75

Omar-I-Chayyâm: Kwatrijnen. . 2001, De Dolle Hond, Amsterdam, 28p., €1,50

Palmer, Elaine (ed.): …Skin. . 1995, Pulp Faction, London, 126p., €4,80

Péret, Benjamin: Het grote spel. . 2002, (oorspr. 1928), De Dolle Hond, Amsterdam, 42p., €1,50

Porton, Richard: Film and the Anarchist Imagination. . 1999, Verso, London, 314p., €21,00

Richards, Vernon: A weekend Photographer’s Notebook. 170 photographs by Vernon Richards. 1996, Freedom press, London, 113p., A4, €10,50

Richards, Vernon: George Orwell at Home (and among the Anarchists). Essays and Photographs. 1998, Freedom Press, London, 76p., A4, €12,00

Richards, Vernon: Beauty is more than ‘in the Eye of the Beholder’. Phothographs of Women and Children. 1999, Freedom Pess, London, 87p., A4, €10,50

Richards, Vernon: A part-time Phothographers Portrait Gallery . . 1999, Freedom Press, London, 87p., A4, €10,50

Richards, Barry: disciplines of delight. The psychoanalysis of popular culture. 1994, Free Associations Books, London, 195p., €7,45

Rigaut, Jacques: Zelfmoordbureau. . 2001, De Dolle Hond, Amsterdam, 20p., A6, €0,90

Semiotexte SF. . (korte sf verhalen van een trits auteurs die om één of andere reden geweigerd werden bij de gevestigde sf-uitgevers) 1989, Autonomedia/ AK Press, Brooklyn, NY/ Edinburgh, 384p., €13,50

Slovic, Scott: Seeking awareness in American Nature Writing. Henry Thoreau, Annie Dillard, Edward Abbey, Wendell Berry, Barry Lopez. 1992, University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City, 212p., €8,70

Stone, CJ: Housing Benefit Hill and other places. Collected Columns 1993-1998. 2001, AK Press, Edinburgh, 241p., €13,50

Vague, Tom: The Great British Mistake. Vague 1977-92. (een compilatie uit het punk magazine Vague) 1994, AK Press, Edinburgh/ San Francisco, CA, 114p., A4, €12,00

Vaucher, Gee: Crass Art & other pre post-modern monsters. . 1999, AK Press/ ExitStencil Press, Edinburgh/ San Franciso, CA/ London, 111p., A4, kunstboek op glanspapier, €29,50

n- Virilio, Paul & Baj, Enrico: Discours sur l'horreur de l'art. 2003, Atelier de création libertaire, Lyon, 75p., €10,00

Wodening, Jane: from the Book of Legends. . 1993, Invisible Books, London, 33p., €3,20

n- Woodcock, George: Writers and Politics. (essays over o.a. Herzen, Orwell, Koestler, Kafka, Bates, Greene). 1990, Black Rose Books, Montréal/ New York, 248 + 9p., €16,50

Yates, John: September Commando. gestures of futility and frustration. 1996, AK Press/ Active Distribution, Edinburgh/ San Franciso, CA/ London, 97p., A4, €12,00

n- Yates, John: Controlled Flight into Terrain. Stealworks Anthology 3.0. 2003, AK Press, Edinburgh/ London/ Oakland, 127p., €10,50

Zephaniah, Benjamin.: School’s Out. Poems not for school. 1997, AK Press, Edinburgh/ San Francisco, CA, 56p., €6,00

Zephaniah, Benjamin: The Little Book of Vegan Poems. Explicit Vegan Lyrics. 2000, AK Press, Edinburgh/ San Francisco, CA, 46p., €6,00

Zinovich (ed.): Semiotext(e) Canadas. . 1994, Semiotext(e), Columbia University, New York/ Brooklyn, NY, 320p., €14,85



Daniels: Breaking Free. The Adventures of Tintin.
1999, (oorspr. 1989), Attack International, (London), 175p., strip, €4,80

Loveday, Pete: Russell: the saga of a peaceful man. 1995, (1991), John Brown Publishing, London, 93p., A4 , strip, €12,00

Loveday, Pete: Russell’s Big Strip Stupormarket. 1995, John Brown Publishing, London, 96p., A4, strip, €12,00

Loveday, Pete: Big Trip Travel Agency 3. AK Press, Edinburgh, 38p., A4, strip, €3,75

Loveday, Pete: Big Trip Travel Agency 4. AK Press, Edinburgh, 38p., A4, strip, €5,25

Loveday, Pete: Big Trip Travel Agency 5. AK Press, Edinburgh, 38p., A4, strip, €5,25

Loveday, Pete: Plain Rapper Comix 2. AK Press, Edinburgh/ San Francisco, CA, 38p., A4, strip, €5,25

Loveday, Pete: Russell: the saga of a peaceful man 2. 1993, John Brown Publishing, London, 96p., A4 , strip, €12,00

Loveday, Pete: Big Bang comics n° 2. Ferris Press, Oxford, 46p., A4 , strip, €2,75

Olday, John: The March to Death. a book of antiwar cartoons. 1995, (oorspr. 1943), Freedom Press, London, 84p., €4,50

Rooum, Donald: Wildcat ABC of Bosses. 1991, Freedom Pess, London, 48p., €4,50

Rooum, Donald: Health Service Wildcat. 1994, Freedom Press, London, 48p., €4,50

Rooum, Donald: Wildcat. 1995, Freedom Press, London, 48p., €4,50

Rooum, Donald: Wildcat Strikes Again. 1998, Freedom Pess, London, 48p., €4,50

Rooum, Donald: Twenty Year Millenium Wildcat. 1999, Freedom Pess, London, 48p., €4,50

n- Rooum, Donald: Wildcat. anarchists against bombs. 2003, Freedom Press, London, 48p., €4,50



Various Artists: Better Read Than Dead.
1996, AK Press, Edinburgh, CD, 70 min., €16,00

Various Artists: Return of the Read Menace. 1999, AK Press, Edinburgh, CD, 72 min., €12,80


n- Anti-Mass Methods of Organization for Collectives and methods for the Communalisation of Confusion. A Situationist Critique of "Anti-Mass". 2001, Active Distribution, London, 19p., €1,00

Bracken, Len: Guy Debord – Revolutionary. A Critical Biography. 1997, Feral House, Venice, CA, 267p., €17,75

Dark Star Collective : Beneath the Paving Stones. Situationists and the Beach, May 1968. 2001, AK Press/ Dark Star, Edinburgh/ San Francisco, CA, 120p., €13,50

n- Debord, Guy: Society of the Spectacle. ?2004, (nieuwe editie), Rebel Press, London, 119p., €10,50

n- Debord, Guy: Considerations on the Assassination of Gérard Lebovici. 2001, Tam Tam Books, Los Angeles, California, 81 + 9p., pocket, €16,00

Ford, Simon: The Realization and Repression of the Situationist International. an annotated Bibliography 1972-1992. 1995, AK Press, Edinburgh/ San Francisco, CA, 149 + 22p., €12,00

Gray (ed.): Leaving the 20th Century. the incomplete work of the Situationist International. 1998, oorspr. 1974, Rebel Press, London, 136p., A4, €15,90

Knabb, Ken (ed): Situationist International Anthology. 1989, (oorspr. 1981), Bureau of Public Secrets, Berkeley, CA, 406p., €18,60

n- Knabb, Ken: The realization and suppression of religion. 1977, Bureau of Public secrets, Berkeley, CA, 15p., €1,50

n- Knabb, Ken: The Relevance of Rexroth. 1990, Bureau of Public secrets, Berkeley, CA, 88p., €6,40

Knabb, Ken: Public Secrets. Collected Skirmishes of Ken Knabb 1970-1997. 1997, Bureau of Public Secrets, Berkeley, CA, 408p., €20,10

n- Knabb, Ken (ed.): Guy Debord: Complete Cinematic Works. Scripts, Stills, Documents 2003, Ak Press, Oakland , CA/ Edinburgh, 258 + 11p., €18,00

Perlman, Fredy: The reproduction of Daily Life. (oorspr. 1969), Dark Star/ Phoenix Press, London, 21p., A6, €1,25

Plant, Sadie: The Most Radical Gesture. the situationist international in a postmodern age. 1995, (1992), Routledge, London/ New York, 226p., €26,75

Ratgeb: Contribution to the revolutionary struggle. intended to be discussed, corrected and principally put into practice without delay. 1990, (oorspr. 1974), Elephant editions, London, 47p., €3,20

Revolutionary Theory for Beginners. (Pure & Applied). Three Situationist Texts. 1978, BM combustion, London, 17p., €0,75

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Two Hundred Pharaohs, Five Billion Slaves. Manifesto. 1999, Reknaw/ Repetitive Fame Injury Press, London, 52p., A4, €2,50

n- Sanders, R.J.: Beweging tegen de schijn. De situationisten, een avant-garde 1987, Huis aan de Drie Grachten, Amsterdam, 320p., €11,00

Vaneigem, Raoul: The Revolution of Everyday life. 2001, (oorspr. 1967), Rebel Press, London, 279p., €14,40

Vaneigem, Raoul (J.-F. Dupuis): A Cavalier History of Surrealism. 1999, AK Press, Edinburgh/ San Franciso, CA/ London, 131p., €12,00


Spectacular Times Serie: (verzorgde A6 boekjes)

Animals. 1997 (oorspr. 1982), 48p., € 2,40

Bigger Cages, Longer Chains. 67p., € 2,90

Images and Everyday Life. 31p., € 1,45

More of the Shame, 30p., € 0,95

Revolutionary Self-Theory: a beginners' manual. 28p. , € 1,45

The Bad Days Will End. 28p., € 1,45

The Media. 22p., € 1,45

The Spectacle: A Skeleton Key. 23p., € 0,95

A True History & Account of the Pyrate Captain Misson, his crew & their Colony of Libertatia founded on Peoples Rights & Liberty on the Island of Madagascar. 29p., € 1,90

Women & the Spectacle, 16p., € 0,95




n- Barclay, Harold: People without Government. An Anthropolgy of Anarchy. 1996, (1990), Kahn & Averill. , London, 162p., €10,50

Barclay, Harold: Culture and Anarchism. 1997, Freedom Press, London, 167p., €12,00

Martin, Brian: Strip the Experts. 1991, Freedom Press, London, 69p., Discussion series, €4,50

Sahlins, Marshall: Culture in Practise. Selected Essays. 2000, Zone Books, New York, 646p., hardback, €38,40

Ziesing, Michael: The Scarlet Q. Anarchy, Religion and the Cult of Science. 1990, Lysander Spooner, Willimantic, CT, 141p., €4,95




Bufe, Charles: The Heretic’s Guide to the Bible. 1992, (1987), See Sharp Press, San Francisco, California, 12p.?, €1,90

n- Campillo, Antonio López & Ferreras, Juan Ignacio: Curso Acelerado de Ateísmo. 1999, Ediciones Voca, Madrid, 77p., pocket, €4,50

Constandse, Anton: pakket van 5 pamfletten over godsdienst (reprints). De ellende der religie (20p., 1923); Godsdienst is opium voor het volk (15p., 1929); God is het kwaad (31p., 1924); Kan er een god zijn (16p., 1927); Nederland, God en Oranje (15p., 1932). Samen De As, Moerkapelle, €4,45

Faure, Sebastian: Does God Exist? 12 Proofs of the Nonexistence of God. 1999, reprint, See Sharp Press, Tucson, Arizona, 32p., €1,75

Haldeman-Julius, E.: The Meaning of Atheism.  1993, (oorspr. 1942), See Sharp Press, Tucson, Arizona, 24p., €2,00

n- MacDonald, George: Thumbscrew & Rack.  1998, (oorspr. 1904), See Sharp Press, Tucson, Arizona, 20p., €2,00

Mc Cabe, Joseph: Christianity & Slavery.  1998, reprint (oorspr; 1926), See Sharp Press, Tucson, Arizona, 43p., €3,95

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McCabe, Joseph: Horrors of the Inquisition.  1998, See Sharp Press, Tucson, Arizona, 44p., €3,95

n- McCabe, Joseph: How Christianity Grew Out of Paganism.  1998, See Sharp Press, Tucson, Arizona, 12p., €1,50

McCabe, Joseph: Judeo-Christian Degradation of Woman.  1998, See Sharp Press, Tucson, Arizona, 40p., €3,70

Mirabello, Mark Ph.D.: The Crimes of Jehovah. A Brief Selection from the Bible. 1997, See Sharp Press, Tucson, Arizona, 34p., €2,50




Bilwet: Media-archief. 1992, Ravijn, Amsterdam, 269p., pocket, €4,95

n- Cutting, Hunter & Themba-Nixon, Makani: Talking The Walk. A Communications Guide for Racial Justice 2006, AK Press, Edinburgh/ Oakland, CA, 194 + 9p., groot formaat, €16,50

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Martin, Brian: Information Liberation. 1998, Freedom Press, London, 181p., €12,00

Plant, Sadie: Zeros + Ones. Digital Women + The New Technoculture. 1997, Fourth Estate, London, 305p., hardback, €14,40

Said, Edward W.: The Pen and the Sword. Conversations with David Barsamian. 1994, Ak Press, Edinburgh, 181p., €12,00

n- Sánchez Noriega, José Luis: Comunicación, poder y culture. 1998, Nossa y Jara, Madrid, 188p., €9,20

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Winston, Brian: Misunderstanding Media. 1986, Routledge & Kegan Paul, London/ New York, 419p., hardback, €6,20


ONTWIKKELINGSLANDEN EN AKTUALITEIT (antiglobalisme + Zapatista's, werken van Chomsky, globale milieuthema's, diverse)

Antiglobalisme + Zapatista's
n- Brecher, Jeremy; Costello, Tim & Smith, Brendan: Globalization from Below. the power of solidarity. 2000, South End Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 165 + 15p., €16,00

n- Burbach, Roger: Globalization and Postmodern Politics. From Zapatistas to High-Tech Robber Barons. 2001, Pluto Press, London/ Sterling, Virginia, 176 + 8p., €20,80

n- Ellwood, Wayne: The No-Nonsense guide to Globalization. 2001, Verso, London, 143p., pocket, €11,20

n- The E.Z.L.N. by the W.S.M. and the Zapatista "Declaration of War". ?, Active, London, 11p., €0,75

n- George, Susan: Another World is possible if…. 2004, Verso, London/ New York, 268 + 13p., €15,00

Hoedeman, Olivier e.a.: Europe Inc.: Regional & Global Restructuring and the Rise of Corporate Power. 2000, Verso, London/ Sterling, Virginia, 256 + 15p., €24,00

Maigalomanie! Multilateraal Akkoord over Investeringen. burgers en milieu op het altaar van de vrije markt. 1998, Tegenstroom, Leuven, 64p., €1,75

n- McGiffen, Steven P.: The European Union. a critical guide. 2001, Pluto Press, London/ Sterling, Virginia, 182 + 18p., €19,20

Ransom, David: The No-Nonsense guide to Fair Trade. 2001, Verso, London, 143p., pocket, €11,20

n- Solidariteitskomitee Mexico: Militantisme en andere valkuilen. Kritiek op de Zapatistas en hun solidariteitsbeweging. 2004, Uitgeverij De Zwarte Kat, Amsterdam, 61p., A4, €3,00

Vidal, John: McLibel. Burger Culture on Trial. 1997, New Press, New York, 354p., hardback, €6,20

n- Vodovnik, Ziga (ed.): Ya Basta! - Ten Years of the Zapatista Uprising. Writings of Subcommandante Insurgente Marcos 2004, AK Press, Edinburgh/ Oakland, 685p., voorwoorden van Noam Chomsky en Naomi Klein, €30,00

n- Weinberg, Bill: Homage to Chiapas. The New Inigenous Struggles in Mexico 2000, Verso, London/ New York, 456 + 24p., hardback, €10,00

n- Women in the Zapatistas. 2000, Kersplebedeb, Montréal, 22p., €2,50

XminY- Solidariteitsfonds: Een reader over Genua en de beweging tegen neo-liberale globalisering (Nederlandstalige teksten). 2001, XminY, Amsterdam, 60p., A4, €4,25

XminY- Solidariteitsfonds: A reader about 'Genoa' and the movement against corporate globalisation. 2001, XminY, Amsterdam, 104p., A4, €7,00

n- Zapatistas in their own words. 1994, DS4A, Bristol, 24p., €1,75

The Zapatistas: Zapatista Encuentro. Documents from the 1996 Encounter for Humanity and Against Neoliberalism. 1998, Seven Stories Press/ Open Media, New York, 63p., pocket, €6,20



Barsky, Robert F.: Noam Chomsky. A Life of Dissent.
1998, MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 245 + 9p., €20,00

n- Chomsky, Noam: Radical Priorities. ed: C.P. Otero 2000, (1984, second revised edition), Black Rose Books, Montréal/ New York/ London, 307p., €19,35

n- Chomsky, Noam: What Uncle Sam Really Wants. 1995, (1992), Odonian Press, 111p., €9,00

n- Chomsky, Noam: Secrets, Lies & Democracy. Interviews by David Barsamian. 2001 (1994), Odonian Press, Tucson, Arizona, 127p., pocket, €9,60

Chomsky, Noam: The Common Good. (interviews by David Barsamian, 1996-1997). 2001 (1998), Odonian Press, Tucson, Arizona, 190p., pocket, €12,80

n- Chomsky, Noam: Radical Priorities. editor: C.P. Otero 2003, expanded third edition, AK Press, Edinburgh/ Oakland, CA, 343p., €15,00

Chomsky, Noam: Classics in politics. CD-Rom met de volledige teksten van Class Warfare, The Culture of Terrorism, Fateful triangle, Necessary Illusions, Powers & Prospects, Turning the Tide ?, The Electronic Book Company/ Pluto Press, London, , 95/98 of NT, Mac & Unix, €49,60

Chomsky, Noam: The Prosperous Few and the Restless Many. Interviews by David Barsamian. 1994, Odonian Press, Tucson, Arizona, 95p., pocket, €9,60

n- Chomsky, Noam: Power and Terror. 2003, Seven Stories Press, New York/ Little More/ Tokyo, 158p., pocket, €12,00

Chomsky, Noam: Keeping the Rabble in Line. Interviews with David Barsamian (1992-1994). 1994, AK Press, Edinburgh, 319p., €15,00

n- Chomsky, Noam: Class Warfare. interviews with David Barsamian. 1996, Pluto Press, London, 185p., €17,10

Chomsky, Noam: Powers and Prospects. refelections on human nature and the social order. 1996, Pluto Press, London, 244 + 12p., €23,45

n- Chomsky, Noam: Latin America: from colonization to globalization. (in conservation with Heinz Dieterich). 1999, Ocean Press, Melbourne/ New York, 116p., €16,00

Chomsky, Noam: The New Military Humanism. Lessons From Kosovo. 1999, Pluto Press, London, 199p., €17,70

n- Chomsky, Noam: Profit over People. neoliberalism and global world order. 1999, Seven Stories Press, New York, 176p., €20,80

Chomsky, Noam: Propaganda and the Public Mind. Interviews by David Barsamian. 2001, Pluto Press, London, 252 + 10p., €17,60

n- Chomsky, Noam: Language and Politics. expanded second edition. 2004, AK Press, Edinburgh/ Oakland, CA, 802p., €28,50

n- Rai, Milan: Chomsky's Politics. 2000, (oorspr. 1995), Verso, London/ New York, 225p., €20,00



Barnaby, Wendy: The Plague Makers. The Secret World of Biological Warfare.
1999, Vision Paperbacks, London, 214p., €16,75

Girardet, Herbert: Creating Sustainable Cities. 1999, Green Books, Devon, 77p., Schumacher Briefings 2, €8,00

Godrej, Dinyar: The No-Nonsense guide to Climate Change. 2001, Verso, London, 143p., pocket, €11,20

Shiva, Vandana: Biopiracy. The Plunder of Nature and Knowledge. 1998, Green Books, Devon, 143p., €12,90



Ahn, Seung-Joon: From State to Community. Rethinking South-Korean Modernization. 1994, Aigis Publications, Littleton, Colorado, 109 + 14p., €6,40

Andreas, Joel: Addicted to War. Why the U.S. Can't Kick Militarism. An illustrated exposé. 2002, AK Press, Edinburgh/ Oakland, CA, 65p., A4 , stripboek, €10,50

n- Churchill, Ward: Since Predator Came. Notes from the struggle for American Indian Liberation. 2005, (oorspr. 1995), AK Press, Edinburgh/ Oakland, CA, 425 + 18p., €22,50

n- Churchill, Ward: On the Justice of Roosting Chickens. Reflections on the consequences of U.S. imperial arrogance and criminality. 2003, AK Press, Edinburgh/ Oakland, CA, 309p., €16,50

n- Cockburn, Alexander & St. Clair, Jeffry (ed.): The Politics of Anti-Semitism. 2003, AK Press/ Counterpunch, Edinburgh/ Oakland, CA / Petrolia, CA, 178 + 8p., pocket, €13,50

n- Creagh, Ronald & Gemie, Sharif: The Shadows of the Lamp. Essays on September 11 and Afghanistan 2003, Freedom Press, London, 101p., €11,25

de Waard, Ellen e.a: Vrouwen zonder papieren. Uitbuiting en geweld in de illegaliteit. 2003, Gebladerte reeks, Leiden, 53p., €2,50

Hammond, Philip & Herman, Edward S. (eds): Degraded Capability. The Media and the Kosovo Crisis. 2000, Pluto Press, London, 232p., €24,15

n- Harbury, Jennifer: Bridge of Courage. Life Stories of the Guatemalan Companeros & Companeras. 1994, AK Press, Edinburgh, 264p., €12,00

n- Hayter, Theresa: Open Borders. The Case Against Immigration Controls. 2000, Pluto Press, London, 194p., €20,80

n- Jordan, John & Whitney, Jennifer: Que Se Vayan Todos: Argentina's Popular Rebellion. An eyewitness account of the financial meltdown and ongoing grassroots rebellion. 2003, Kersplebedeb, Montréal, 58p., €3,00

n- Joxe, Alain: Empire of Disorder. 2002, Semiotext(e), Columbia University, New York/ Los Angeles, CA, 221p., pocket, €10,40

n- Kelly, Kathy: Other Lands Have Dreams. From Baghdad to Pekin Prison. 2005, AK Press/ Counter Punch, Edinburgh/ Oakland, CA/ Petrolia, CA, 173p., €15,00

n- Mapuche. "the people of the land". 2005, Active Distribution, London, 32p., €1,20

n- McGowan, David: Derailing Democracy. The America the media don't want you to see. 2000, Common Courage Press, Monroe, Maine, 234p., €18,00

Midnight Notes: Midnight Oil. Work, Energy , War 1973-1992. 1992, Autonomedia/ Midnight Notes, Brooklyn, NY/ Jamaica Plain, MA, 333 +15p., €12,40

n- Neumann, Michael: The Case Against Israel. 2005, AK Press/ Counter Punch, Edinburgh/ Oakland, CA/ Petrolia, CA, 220p., pocket, €15,00

n- O’dochartaigh, Fionnbarra: Ulster’s White Negroes. from civil rights to insurrection. 1994, AK Press, Edinburgh/ London/ San Francisco, 133p., €7,45

Oh Superman. Teksten over de demokratische heilstaat. 1992, Ravijn, Amsterdam, 83p., €4,20

n- Pilger, John: The New Rulers of the World. 2003, Verso, London/ New York, 254p., €15,00

Simons, Geoff: Imposing Economic Sanctions. Legal Remedy or Genocidal Tool? 1999, Pluto Press, London, 212p., €25,05

Stalker, Peter: The No-Nonsense Guide to International Migration. 2001, Verso, London, 144p., pocket, €11,20

n- Zinn, Howard: Terrorism and War. 2002, Seven Stories Press, New York/ Toronto/ London/ Sydney, 155p., pocket, €12,00

n- Zinn, Howard: Artists in Times of War. 2003, Seven Stories Press, New York, 112p., pocket, €10,50




n- Allen, Tony: A summer in the Park. A journal of Speakers' corner 2004, Freedom Press, London, 205p., €12,75

Badcock, John jr.: Slaves to Duty.  1972, Ralph Myles, Colorado Springs, Clorado, 34p., €2,35

Baxendale, Leo: The Encroachment, Part 1.  1988, Reaper Books, Stroud, Glos., 44p., A4, €4,85

Bey, Hakim: De Tijdelijke Autonome Zone (TAZ) & Immediastische Essays.  1994, Ravijn, Amsterdam, 104p., €4,95

n- Bonanno, Alfredo: Apart From the Obvious Exceptions.  2003, Elephant Editions, London, 35p., €1,50

Brinton, Maurice: The Irrational in Politics. Sexual repression & authoritarian conditioning. 1993, See Sharp Press, Tucson, Arizona, 52 p., €4,00

Bufe, Charles (ed): The Heretic’s Handbook of Quotations (expanded edition). Cutting Comments on Burning Issues. 1995, See Sharp Press, Tucson, Arizona, 237p., groot formaat, €19,20

Bufe, Chaz: The American Heretic’s Dictionary.  1992, See Sharp Press, Tucson, Arizona, 85p., €4,00

n- Callahan, Mat: The Trouble with Music. 2005, AK Press, Edinburgh/ Oakland, 245 + 26p., €15,00

Cardan, Paul: Modern Capitalism and Revolution.  1974, oorspr. 1959; second edition, new introduction, Solidarity, London, 102p., A4, €2,50

Cardan, Paul: Redefining Revolution.  ?, Solidarity, London, 24p., A4, €0,85

Castoriadis, Cornelis: The Meaning of Socialism. 1994, Philadelphia Solidarity, Philadelphia, PA, 26p., €2,25

n- Churchill, Ward: Some People Push Back. On the Justice of Roosting Chickens. 2001, re-pressed, Leeds, 16p., €1,90

Cohn- Bendit, Daniel & Cohn- Bendit, Gabriel: Obsolete Communism. The Left-Wing Alternative. 2000, (1968), AK Press, Edinburgh/ San Franciso, CA/ London, 240p., €19,35

n- Cook, Ron: Yes - Utopia! . We have the technology. 2003, Ron Cook, West Bromwich, 191p., €9,00

Curtis ; Dellar; Leslie & Watson (ed.): Mad Pride. A Celebration of Mad Culture. 2000, Spare Change Books, London, 223p., €8,00

De La Boétie: The Politics of Obedience. The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude. 1997, Black Rose Books, Montréal/ New York, 88p., €11,90

Dean & Massumi: First & Last Emperors. the absolute state and the body of despotism. 1992, Autonomedia, Brooklyn, NY, 208p., pocket, €9,40

Deleuze & Guattari: Nomadology. The War Machine. 1986, Semiotexte/ AK, New York/ Edinburgh, 147p., pocket, €9,00

De Eer en het Slijk. een discussie over rituele solidariteit met gevangen stalinisten. 1999, De Dolle Hond, Amsterdam, 25p., €1,50

n- Faure, Sebastian: The Forces of the Revolution. 2005, Red Lion Press, Montréal, 12p., €2,25

n- For an Anti-Authoritarian Insurrectionalist International. Proposal for a debate. 1993, Elephant Editions, London, 23p., €1,50

Foucault, Michel: Foucault Live. Collected interviews, 1961-1964. 1996, Semiotext(e), Columbia University, New York/ Brooklyn, NY, 478p., €15,00

n- Geurtsen, Ton: Een geschiedenis van verloren illusies. Sociaaldemocratie in Nederland 1994, Papieren Tijger/ Rode Emma, Breda/ Amsterdam, 239p., €5,00

Jansen & Janssen: Luisterrijk. een gids over afluisteren. 1999, Buro Jansen & Janssen/ Papieren Tijger, Amsterdam, 191p., €13,65

Jeudy, Henri-Pierre: Social Overload.  1994, Autonomedia, Brooklyn, NY, 143p., pocket, €9,60

n- John Brown: May 9, 1800 - Dec.2, 1859.  2000, Solidarity Publishing/ Kersplebedeb, Montréal, 22p., €1,75

Kollontai, Alexandra: The Workers opposition.  1979, 3th edition, Solidarity, London, 35p., A4, Solidarity pamphlet n° 7, €1,10

Kostelanetz, Richard: Political Essays. From 1959 - 1998. 1999, Autonomedia, Brooklyn, NY, 289 + 14p., €16,00

Kuwasi Balagoon: a soldier's story. Writings by a revolutionary New Afrikan Anarchist. 2001, Solidarity Publishing, Montréal, 120p., €6,40

Lawrence, Ed (ed): Reinventing the Wheel… of Karma.  1989, Bomb Shelter Props, Seattle, 112p., €8,00

Loomis: Alternative America's. 1982, Universe Books, New York, NY, 175p., €3,70

MacDonald, Dwight: The Root is Man.  (Kritiek op het marxisme uit 1946: Marxism is Obsolete/ Toward a new Radicalism) 1995, Autonomedia, Brooklyn, NY, 187p., €9,00

Marcy, Mary: You have no Country!. worker’s struggle against war. 1984, (oorspr. 1914-17), Charles H. Kerr Publications, Chicago, Illinois, 77p, pocket, €3,70

n- Moorish Orthodox Radio Crusade: Radio Sermonettes. 1992, Libertarian BookClub, New York City, 40p., €2,48

Newsinger, John: George Orwell en de geheime diensten. 2001, De Dolle Hond, Amsterdam, 18p., A6, €0,90

n- Novatore, Renzo: Toward the Creative Nothing.  2003, Elephant Editions, London, 42p., €2,25

Past, S. Martin S.: The Ease of Mind. Gedachtenspinsels tijdens het vredesproces. 2000, Stichting Vredesburo, Eindhoven, 211p., €5,00

n- Pessin, Alain & Pucciarrelli, Mimmo: Les incendiaires de l'imaginaire. Actes du colloque international - Grenoble 1998 2000, Atelier de création libertaire, Lyon, 345p., €18,30

Plant & Plant: Turtle Talk. Voices for a Sustainable Future (13 bijdragen; o.a. Woodcock, Griffin, Foreman, Watts en Bookchin). 1990, New Society Publishers. 132+11p., Philadelphia, PA/ Lillooet, BC/ Santa Cruz, CA, 133 + 11p., €9,90

The Revolutionary Pleasure of Thinking for Yourself.  1992, (oorspr. 1975), See Sharp Press, Tucson, Arizona, 16p., €1,85

Rety, John: Through the Anarchist Press. –a column in Freedom. 1996, Freedom Pess, London, 93p., €5,75

Roller, Arnold: Direkte Aktie.  2002, (oorspr. 1903), De Dolle Hond, Amsterdam, 53p., €1,80

Ruhle, Otto: The Revolution is not a Party Affair.  Pirate Press, Sheffield, 7p., €0,50

Sakolsky & Koehline: Gone to Croatan. Origins of American Dropout Culture. 1993, Autonomedia/AK Press, Brooklyn, NY/ Edinburgh, 382p., €16,50

Sams, Gregory: Uncommon Sense. The State is Out of Date. 1997, Chaos Works, London, 190p., €11,75

n- Sarai Reader 02: The Cities of Everyday Life. 2002, Sarai/Society for Old and New Media, Delhi/ Amsterdam, 364 + 10p., €9,00

Sculthorpe: Freedom to Roam.  1993, Freedom Press, London, 80p., €5,25

Simon: The New Movement.  1976, Solidarity, London, 8p., A4, Solidarity Pamphlet 25, slordige kopie, €1,50

n- Snelders, Stephen: The Devil's Anarchy. The Sea Robberis of the Most Famous Pirate Claes G. Compaen/ The Very Remarkable Travels of Jan Erasmus Reyning, Buccaneer 2005, Autonomedia, Brooklyn, NY, 212 + 11p., pocket, €12,00

Solanas, Valerie: Scum Manifesto.  1998, Active Distribution, London, 31p., €0,75

Tamminga, R.: Theorie en praktijk van het nemen.  reprint (oorspr. begin 20ste eeuw), de As, Moerkapelle, 16p., €0,75

n- The Mower: Fear/Angst. . 1993, Memoria Pulp, Überlingen, Duitsland, 163p., Issue 2, €9,30

n- The Unbearables: Help Yourself.  2002, Autonomedia, Brooklyn, NY, 238p., €16,50

Thoreau, Henry david: Economy.  ?, E.G. Smith Press, Columbus, Ohio, 54p., €4,00

n- Traimond, Jean-Manuel: Le trésor des méchancetés. Anthologie d'humour à l'usage des anarchistes 2004, Atelier de création libertaire, Lyon, 254p., €15,00

n- Tully, Jim: Beggars of Life. A Hobo Autobiography 2004, AK Press/ Nabat, Edinburgh/ London/ Oakland, 170 + 8p., €15,00

n- Turner, Richard: In Your Blood. Football Culture in the Late 1980’s and Early 1990’s. 1990, Working Press, London, 90p., €2,50

Virillio, Paul: Strategy of Deception.  2000, Verso, London/ New York, 82p., €16,10

Weissman, Susan (ed).: The Ideas of Victor Serge. a life as a work of art. 1997, Glasgow University, Glasgow, 266p., Critique Books, €19,35

Wilson, Peter Lamborn: "Shower of Stars": Dream & Book. The Initiatic Dream in Sufism and Taoism. 1996, Autonomedia, Brooklyn, NY, 183p., pocket, €9,60

Wilson, Peter Lamborn & Weinberg, Bill (ed.): AvantGardening. . 1999, Autonomedia, Brooklyn, NY, 169p., pocket, €9,00

Wilson, Brian S.: On Third World Legs.. 1992, Charles H. Kerr, Chicago, Illinois, 94p., €6,40

Wilson, Peter Lamborn: Escape from the Nineteenth Century and other essays. . 1998, Autonomedia, Brooklyn, NY, 205p., €16,10

n- Zerzan, John (ed.): Against Civilization. Readings and reflections 1998, enlarged edition, Feral House, Los Angeles, CA, 275 + 11p., €15,00

n- Zerzan, John: Elements of Refusal. 1999, second revised edition, C.A.L Press, Columbia, MO, 319p., €15,00

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Zinn, Howard: The Zinn Reader. Writings on Disobedience and Democracy. 1997, Seven Stories Press, New York, 672p., €20,95

Zinn, Howard.: Howard Zinn on History.  2001, Seven Stories Press, New York/ London, 239p., €14,40




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